Tuesday, September 18, 2012

5 Reasons For Fear Commitment

RELATIONSHIP LESSON: Stop holding on to people who don't want to be held...

COMMITMENT PHOBIA (verb) Usually when a man says he doesn’t want to marry the woman he’s with, but enjoys living with her pretending as though he is married to her already. Signs may include cheating on her, numerous past relationships, never wanting to discuss or plan the future with their current mate, not wanting to meet the family, dating her for like 7 years without considering a future with the person, or dating emotionally "unavailable" people.

Today I will briefly discuss the 5 reasons Men (and women) fear commitment, so hold on to your smart phones for this one...

YOU THINK FOREVER IS A LONG TIME - The thought of eternal happiness and togetherness make you look at the concept of time in a totally different manner. You start taking what you have for granted, and time becomes your enemy as it slips away from you.

YOU FEAR GIVING UP YOUR FREEDOM - Single people value their freedom, and especially for those who have been single for such a long time, a committed relationship threatens that freedom. If you're not ready to forgo a little freedom, then you're not ready for a relationship.

OTHER PRIORITIES ARE MORE IMPORTANT - If your priorities include going to school, taking care of a sick or elderly family member, or getting yourself together financially, then commitment isn't in the cards for you yet.

YOU FEAR BETRAYAL - You're never more vulnerable than when you're in a committed relationship. When you fully give yourself to someone, you're taking o the possibility that your partner may let you down and that can be a terrifying prospect.

YOU'RE JUST NOT READY FOR IT - Sometimes it's your circumstances, state of mind, age or other priorities (and it's ok if that's the case). Maybe you don't think you're worthy or capable of being one half of a successful relationship.

If your partner exhibits signs of "commitment phobia" through their words or actions, and you're ready to commit, you may have to let go of the relationship to give yourself what you need. Learn to let go now before you waste too much time chasing after the wrong one.

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