Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Call Me Crazy, But Men Know...

There is a theory that I have, and I have to share it with you. Men know who they want to marry (I know, there's no secret in that), but the theory is this. Men know the woman they want to marry within three weeks of meeting them and going out with them. Its not rocket science, no slide ruler, no fuzzy math to explain, and the world will not end once I tell you how and why.

I'm not saying that he should marry you by the third week of the relationship, but women mostly will show a man the basics to determine if it is worth continuing the relationship. Men base this decision off of three things: Fight, Future and Feelings.

1) Can I fight for her? Every man wants a woman he can fight for...anytime and anyplace. That is who we are in our bones, our DNA oozes the fighter spirit. Call it the inner caveman in us, but we are defenders ready to fight for it, fight over it, or fight to keep it. Men don't always want to solve it, but knowing that you don't mind yielding to it makes it all worth the ride. We want to be men, and some women won't allow us to be the men which includes fighting for her. Independence aside, if you don't show you need us...then why fight for it?

2) Do I see a real future with her? Some people in our lives are just for the moment, but before you get to see his mountain top, does he see himself with you traveling through his valley in order to get there. The future is THE decision, but it doesn't take that much time. Women reveal what the future may bring through the support and demeanor they show in the present. You can make the future brighter by showing what you can offer besides what he can immediately see. Looks will fade, but its the personality that lingers.

3) Are my feelings about her temporary? You know its real when the absolute worst thing that can happen comes about, and he doesn't run. If his lowest moment doesn't drive him into a cave like Bin Laden, but brings him out to show you who he really is made of...congratulations, those feelings aren't going anywhere. If instead of pushing you away, he brings you closer by revealing the good, the bad, and the ugly in his life...what he feels is real! A temporary feeling will never produce permanent results. A man who is comfortable with the woman he's with isn't afraid to show himself, flaws and all.

Now I will admit, that men don't always have the best exit strategy when it comes to knowing the one they're with doesn't fit the plan after three weeks of seeing them. I on the other hand, feel its a waste of time when you know the one you're seeing isn't in any future plans. Its also unfair to the woman knowing she doesn't fit in the future and they get strung along. The next thing is to find out why men do what they do instead of just being honest and up front. That unfortunately is for another blog at another time...

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