Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Build-a-Bear Relationship

Relationships nowadays remind me of the Build-a-Bear process, and if you're not familiar with the way that Build-a-Bear works, let me explain the similarities...

You choose them - Like any relationship it starts with liking what you see.
You hear them - You're drawn by what they say.

You stuff them - The process of giving them your views and beliefs.

You stitch them - With surgeon like precision, you heal their wounds.

You fluff them - Fill them with compliments, affirmation, and positive talk.

You name them - You give them the "title" of boyfriend or girlfriend.

You dress them - The way others see them has to be to your liking.
You take them home - Finally, you show them off after the process.

The mistake most people (including myself) have made either now or in the past, was inverting the order of the building process, and sometimes skipping a step or two (or be honest, maybe three). When this happens, you don't know how they'll come out, or clearly know who you've even committed your heart to. So before you start building your bear, get some kind of order for the process and STICK TO IT! You can't take someone home based only on what you hear, and you can't name them without choosing them first. Don't invert the plan, follow through each step and your bear will be loved for a long time...

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