Friday, December 7, 2012

A Woman's 3 Catagories

Men, let me help you for a minute. Women will classify you even before you say one word to them. When you approach women, they already subconsciously know whether they will like you or not. Here are the 3 categories that women put you in when you approach them: Winner, Loser, and Maybe. I will take a look at these 3 categories and figure out ways to get men into the winner category. If you're currently struggling with dating and need some help with your love life, then this blog is just for you.

1) The Winner Category - To get in the winner category, you have to have a few things going for you. If a woman sees you and you remind her of someone who she thinks is attractive, then she will be receptive to what you have to say. If you dress in a way that she finds attractive, then she will again be receptive to what you have to say. These are two ways that women instantly put you into the winner category. So how you look and how you dress play a big part in being someone that a woman likes. You should analyze your wardrobe and take a look to see if you're dressed in a way that says "attractive". You should also consider putting on some cologne because women like this and are attracted to this in a man. However, its what you say after how you look and dress that will keep you in this category.

2) The Loser Category - This is definitely a category that you don't want to be in. Maybe you can relate to this category in one way or another. Have you ever met someone before, and for no reason you didn't like them? Well this is how you can put yourself into the loser category almost instantly. Women do this too, and they are well-trained in knowing what they want and don't want (its called discernment). If you appear unconfident, have bad breath, or are dressed in a way that says "eww", then you will immediately be placed into this category and anything that you have to say will come in through one ear and out the other. Unless you have something really great going for yourself, you will find yourself here a lot if you just appear like a loser to a woman. More than 90% of the time women will reject you and you will make no progress with women. You never want to end up here, so let's take a look at the final category.

3) The Maybe Category - This category is where women are still undecided about men, so you have to do a little bit more convincing to do before she says "yes" to you. This is where most men who are "average", make the biggest mistake and lie because they have to do a little bit more selling before she will say yes to them. Being in the maybe category isn't necessarily a bad place to be in because you still have a chance. You're job now that you've approached her is to strike her interest in conversation and confidence. Hopefully you have a few ice breakers that will help you, and your body language should be gushing with confidence also. You still have a chance to get into the winner category, but it will take a lot more work on your part. Do yourself a favor and learn as much as possible about her and don't dominate the conversation. If men would quit talking about themselves long enough to read the faces of the women they meet, men can have the dating success they desire. Good luck with your dating...

1 comment:

  1. Good! Especially, the cologne comment. Drives women crazy everytime. Your absolutely correct, we know what category we are putting you in, It's up to you to stay there or move up. #aj
