Monday, December 17, 2012

Changing The Game Won't Kill You!

It’s hard to be a woman on the dating scene (not that I would know, but I'm just saying). Maybe you feel like you’re always having to wait around for guys to make a move, for guys to call, for guys to show you they are interested. And there’s probably a lot of insecurity that comes with that. But you know what? It’s pretty hard to be a man on the dating scene too (not that you would know, but I'm just saying). We have to work up the courage and confidence to make that move. We have to make that call. It’s not that easy, just ask any guy and they’ll tell you at least one story where they totally thought a woman was into them, only to find out they completely misread the signals. Most of us suck at reading the signals.
  • You’ve got stories of waiting by the phone? We’ve got stories of calling fake numbers.
  • You’ve got stories of waiting for him to make that move?  We’ve got stories of making the move and falling flat on our faces.
Allow me as the "relationship referee" to say right here, right now, that we need some help, ladies! Let me say again that we suck at reading your subtle signals. Pride aside, we men don't always have it together in this department. I'm not saying we lack the confidence (because an un-confident man is the very definition of NOT sexy), but sometimes we lack the "get-a-clue-ability" to get us over the hump. Women might think that they have made it pretty obvious that they’re into us and want to go out again...but we men are still probably sweating our "aspirations" off, debating whether or not to ask you out. Women might think that they have made it crystal-clear that they despise us and would punch us in the face if they saw us walking on the street...but there’s also a decent chance that we men are thinking that you’re totally feeling us.

Why not just make it easy for us? I’m not saying you have to get down on one knee and propose. But maybe after we’ve met or have hung out once or twice, what if you took the initiative to ask us to hangout again? I love a woman who would ask me to hangout, not every time, but once in a while was the kind of concrete message that I needed to stop over processing. I love it when a woman reciprocates, and for those women who do...kudos to you! So for those women who don't...let us know if you’re into us by making the call, and asking us out every once in a while. Help take some of the guessing game out of it for us. I'm not endorsing for the roles to be reversed here, and for women become the aggressor while men become submissive, so let's save that argument for another blog. I just think most guys will appreciate it if the guessing games would go away, that's all...

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  1. In some areas this doesnt apply...what makes this man fearful to approach?

  2. In what I already listed, think I made the argument for men as to why we sometimes don't approach. If you can, please make your argument as to how in some areas it doesn't apply.

  3. Wonderfully helpful post for the ladies. Thanks for sharing. :).
