Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let's Get Naked (Guest Blogger)

Wow, you guys have been coming with it! I've asked for them, and you've answered and then some. Guest blogging is taking a lot of work off of me, and giving me at least one day to stay in the "love lab" to read, research and answer e-mail and voice mails. This week, stepping up to the blogging plate is my friend Phillip Brown...

Ladies and Gentlemen if you really want your relationship to last, then it’s important that you just get naked! Wait don’t take your clothes off, because that’s not the type of naked I mean, LOL! I mean it’s time for us to become transparent with one another. It's important that we as men and women get back to what God meant us to be to each other. God saw the need for man to have a companion. In Genesis 2:18 it says "And the LORD God said, it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." The word "helpmeet" basically means a suitable helper. Not a plaything, not an underling...but someone to work with Adam to take dominion over the Earth with. But ever since Adam and Eve both ate of the tree, there has been a major disconnect between man and woman that we are still struggling to get back to. Adam and Eve were created to be on one accord with each other spiritually, mentally, and physically. In the Bible it says, "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Adam realized when Eve was first presented to him by God, that this was a wonderful thing God has created, because she came from me, she is of my bone, she is of my flesh, she is me! I have to love her; I have to treat her right because she is I. And what we fail to realize as men, that when we hurt and abuse our women, we are really hurting and abusing us.

What's the lesson here Ladies? If your man doesn't love himself, then he will never have the ability to love you the way you need to be loved. He shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, meaning he has to leave the childhood games alone. He has to grow up and be a man, and take on the responsibilities of a man. That's why Ladies you shouldn't attach yourself to someone that doesn't have a man mindset. You would still be messing around with a grown child. This is the most important part of the scripture, and this is where the disconnect happens: And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Now a lot of people just focus on Adam and Eve being naked physically, but we have to look deeper than that. Not only were Adam and Eve naked physically in front of each other, but they also were naked mentally, spiritually, emotionally with each other. They were not ashamed before they ate off the tree to be real with one another because they were one, they were on the same page with one another. They had nothing to hide, no hidden agendas, no secrets. They stood before each other naked and were not ashamed. 

A lot of us are scared to be naked with our spouses, and significant others. We as men are scared ladies, and quite frankly a lot of us don't know how to be naked in front of you. The key to a successful relationship is for us to be real with each other, and be real before God. Let’s get naked again, let’s be free to show each other the real us. Let’s get back to what God intended real relationships to be.

Grace and Peace Family.

If you have a view on love and relationships that you would like to submit for a chance to be a guest blogger on Tuesdays, all you have to do is follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and email me your blog along with a profile picture to therealcakebossblog@gmail.com. I believe more than ever that I'm not the only voice out here, and there are people who believe in love even if you've been heartbroken before. Let me hear from you!

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  1. This awesome and so very true. Great job.

  2. Way to go Breezy.... you wrote the heck outta this blog. lol... thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Too much for someone who doesn't do "bible" but I get your point yea honesty is always the best policy.

  4. Bible is what I base my relationships on, cause without Christ in the center every relationship is doom to fail. However it's more than about being honest, it's about being free to be yourself, and show who you really are as a person. About knowing each other, and being each others best friend. I should feel like I can tell my woman anything, and she should feel the same. And I love her so much that I base my actions on her feelings and vice versa.

  5. Disagree. Any relationship can fail with or w/o God. So called Christians have the highest rates of divorce. Flip side is that celebrities who don't do bible some of them have longer lasting marriages and relationships. Too much Christian hypocrisy

  6. No relationship can fail if you really have God in the center of your relationship. Too many christians get married for the wrong reason and that's why their marriages fail. But if you really live your life according to the word, and strive to be a REAL Christian then you will find everything will work out.
