Friday, February 1, 2013

Superbowl Relationship Lesson

Are you with a guy who just lives and breathes sports? You know, the kind of guy whose idea of watching the news, is Sportscenter on ESPN? The kind of guy who couldn’t tell you what you got him for Christmas last year, but can tell you the last five Superbowl champions in order, including the MVP? Do you know this guy that I’m talking about? I can admit that I am one of those guys. Sports is a huge part of my life, I think it's woven into my DNA. It’s more than a hobby, it’s a part of my soul. The letters N.F.L. are a close second in my heart behind the letters G.O.D. To be in a relationship with a guy like me, you have to know that sports is going to be a part of the package. But what if you don’t like sports? Should you fake it? I mean, if it’s something he loves so much, shouldn’t you love it too? And if you don’t, maybe it would be best to fake it? I’m here to tell you: Don’t pretend you like sports!

In fact, men actually hate it when women pretend to be into sports. We find it annoying and it’s a huge turn-off. There’s always that girl in every group who is just trying way to hard to be “one of the guys”. She’s the one whose always cheering just a little bit too loud during the game…reacting just a little bit too much at that bad call…arguing just a little bit too passionately that “the Bears are going to win it all this year”. She’s the girl who shells out a ton of money to go to that playoff game just so she can take a picture and put it up on Facebook…AND, she texted through the whole game. Trust me when I say this is the girl who annoys the hell out of us. Now before you start accusing me of being sexist, know that it’s not just women. People who are really into sports get annoyed by anyone who pretends to be more into it than they really are. We are just as annoyed by that guy who only watches one game a year, but insists on making ridiculous comments throughout the game:
  • “If you get paid a million dollars to play football, you should never drop a pass!”
  • “How could that kicker miss that 40 yard field goal? It’s so easy! All you have to do is kick it. I could have made that kick!”
There’s nothing wrong with being a casual fan. You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy cheering for your home team. If you’re the girl who only watches one game a year (The Superbowl) and really only likes the commercials, that’s fine!  Maybe you don’t play Fantasy Sports, but you like sports enough to put on a jersey and go to a few games per season, that’s great! We actually love stuff like that! If you want to sit down and watch a game with us, you don’t have to act like you’re a diehard fan when you’re not. Just sit back and enjoy it. Ask a few questions if you don’t understand the game. Cheer if you’re into it. But as always, just be yourself...

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