Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Month of "Amayzing Love"

By now I think you all should know that I consider myself "love's biggest fan". And as love's biggest fan, it is my responsibility to promote love in every way possible. Today is May 1st and in Chicago, its going to be another beautiful 82 degree day (the third straight day after a slow spring, weather wise). My enthusiasm for the change of seasons has spilled over into what I call the change of relationship seasons everywhere. Let me encourage you to come out of the relationship funk you might be experiencing long enough to hear from "love's biggest fan" for at least until the end of this blog.

It's time to do a little "spring cleaning" around the areas of your heart. Grab some empty boxes and pack up the memory of the man or woman who recently done you wrong. Easier said than done? Absolutely! But if all you do is "say it", you'll never get to the point that you've "done it". I'm convinced that real, true, unconditional love is out there for everyone, but it just won't show up at your door and persistently ring the bell until you open it. There is a little work you have to do to find it, but its work that CAN be done! As "love's biggest fan", I have declared the month of May to be "the month of aMAYzing love". Meaning this month, I will promote the power that love can have on us, no matter if you're single, married, divorced, in a relationship, just out of a relationship, in a complicated relationship, just looking, just flirting, just confused...I don't care, love is out there! 

Over the weekend I watched a program in which men were just considered to be no good manipulative schemers. My takeaway from it was there never can never be a reformed man. A man who was a cheater, will always be a cheater. A man who was untrustworthy in a relationship can never be trusted again. I was just fuming between commercial breaks, and at the end of the show, they never gave women any hope that good men existed. It got me to thinking, and I came up with the aMAYzing love promotion. My job is to remind women all over the planet that there are some aMAYzing stories of men who have become reformed, rehabilitated, and have made every step to become better than they were in the earlier days of their lives. If you need an example of what that kind of man looks like, just look at ME! I haven't always been this guy who supposedly has an answer or two, this thing took some time, and hearts were broken along the way because I didn't know what I was doing. There are stories of control, abuse, and infidelity that would make your head spin. But I went through a process that changed my life, and so I go against the stereotype that a man will never change. What makes this story aMAYzing is the change I went through that makes it possible for other men to do the same. 

If I could stand on top of the Willis Tower in Chicago, and shout it for everyone to hear, I would say LOVE IS POSSIBLE! What makes it possible are stories of positive love occurrences. So this month, you'll hear it from me, you'll hear it from others on the Relationship Lessons page on Facebook, and you'll hear it from guest bloggers, because yes I'm tired of the there are no good men in the world statements flooding out minds...SNAP OUT OF IT! Grab your empty box, clean out the negativity, and join love's biggest fan in a month of positive aMAYzing love!

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