Thursday, June 20, 2013

Divorced? Embrace Your Happily Unmarried!

When you're divorced, some people always look at you with an expression on their face like, "oh God I'm sorry". Like marriage is such utopia, or being married is the be all-end all for everybody, and its the greatest thing since bottled water was invented. It's amazing how many people look at you like that, when really that look of surprise should be "wow, you've got that unmarried shine about you. You look like somebody who's really enjoying themselves. You look like you have no stress or strain in your life. You look like you have the opportunity to go out there and just meet anybody and have fun. There is a look of freedom on your face. You can eat what you want, when you want, and you don't have to run errands for anyone but you. You look like you just got back from a great romantic vacation for one to a place that you wanted to go to.

Being unmarried is great, and I tell people all the time that when I'm not married, I am happily unmarried. It's an enjoyable part of your life to be happily unmarried. Marriage is not the end all for everybody and marriage is not the solution to the worlds problems. Yes, I know some of you will be throwing statistics out there all day. There are surveys that say people who are married live longer, and studies say people are happier being married. But for every statistic that is thrown in my direction, I'll show you people in real life situations who are happily unmarried, and not in lab rat studies. It's a matter of choice, it's a choice to decide how you want to be happy. So the next time someone ask you if your divorced, or if you find out someone who is divorced, you can own it. 

"As a matter of fact, I am divorced."
"Wow, you look like you're doing great!"
"Yeah, I'm happily unmarried, doing what I want to do and having a blast. One day maybe I'll get married again, or maybe I won't, but I'm going to continue to enjoy my life and embrace it."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti marriage, I'm simply anti unhappiness. I don't believe you should stay married for the sake of being married, or for the sake of the children. I believe in happiness, and happiness starts from within. A happy person in their home life will be a much happier person in their work life, and will be a much happier person to be around. So if you're divorced, join me in letting some of that happily unmarried shine show. Being divorced means you're experienced in what you want, and its about time you expressed that...

1 comment:

  1. I guess whether to marry or get separated is something which is purely a personal choice and agreement between both partners.The least what one can do in order to save his relationship or prevent his marriage from falling apart is hiring the right counselor.

    Marriage Counseling Naples FL
