Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Four Reasons Why Youre Single...For Your Protection (Guest Blogger)

I am always impressed with bloggers and I have to admit, when I grow up I want to be like some of the bloggers I have been introduced to. A few weeks ago I received an email from a young lady who has a site celebrating Black Love and Inspiration for Saved Singles called "B.L.I.S.S.". You can catch her blogs and a whole lot more that she has to offer at I promise that today will not be her last guest blogging appearance here on RL. Ladies and gentlemen for your reading pleasure, I introduce to you Tatianah Green.

“It’s my blessing, and I want it NOW!” Sounds like a money loan commercial, but have you ever felt that way about a blessing…in the form of a mate or spouse? A new season comes and you are single once again, hoping somewhere, somehow that some change in the air will bring about a change in your relationship status romantically. You may get an impatient moment and cross your arms, being provoked too many times by friends and family about having a boo, and get upset about the whole thing. That’s the impatient point that can lead to doubting what God is doing for your life. God is at work doing a thing for you. If He has already done it, He is waiting on you to walk into that blessing and be prepared to receive it. In this impatient episode in our lives, we have to have the spiritual understanding that us being single is not God denying us just to be doing so, He may be doing so for our very own protection. Here are four reasons why God protects us by denying us dating or a relationship in our single seasons.

We aren’t ready: Preparation is key; too many of us pretend to be prepared and come up short in the relationships we get ourselves into because we truly, in some way, were not ready. God can be keeping you in this single state because you are immature, need deliverance, too wishy-washy, lazy, etc. For example, You can’t say in one breath that you don’t want a relationship then in the next breath long for companionship that goes beyond just friends. Either you want a relationship or you don’t; that in-between stuff will get you in trouble. But if you’re not ready, for whatever reason, this is good to admit to yourself so and understand the why's. God wants to protect your heart from emotions in a relationship that’s no good for you. If this is your reason why you are single, don’t be ashamed to be single and know why. We are adults; we all have issues we need to admit to so that we can move forward, be free, and get what we deserve in life.

More than we could handle: This can also speak to the maturity thing, but being in a real relationship takes a lot of work, sacrifice, and time to make things happen. You will have good days, and you will have bad. Are you truly prepared to handle the bad? Are you willing to offer prayers of petition for your mate, help them on their rough, sick days? Are you willing to put in the effort to make it successful? Not everybody is capable of the physical, emotional, spiritual tests that come with the things that we really want in life. Family, career, love, all of that will take a toll on you, but God gives us the strength to get up and get it handled every day. God would not give you anything more than you can bear, so take His direct or indirect message of “I need you to be single right now,” as a sign that He got you. He’s protecting you, while in the process exercising you for passing those future tests with flying colors. If this is the reason why you are single, pray strength in the areas in which you are weak and get ready for the tests that will exercise you.

We wouldn’t appreciate the gift: Waiting and patience are characteristics that God is trying to build in us because there will be times when we will have to wait for important things to happen. Perhaps God is working to get you to appreciate not just what you will eventually have, but the time that it took to get to that point. Enjoy this journey because when it’s all over, you will have a new journey to begin, just with a partner by your side and God to guide you both.  We can get so impatient and worried that we make it about us once we get a mate and neglect to show the kind of love God requires a man and a woman to have for one another. The blessing is here, but you are still struggling with impatience, and that will present itself to be a problem later on. Will you appreciate them with respect, love and kindness like you always imagined, or will you be distracted by your fleshly desire to have something you want? It’s hard to appreciate something you didn’t work for. Will you appreciate/value them more knowing all you have gone through? If this is the reason why you are single, take some time to make a list for things that you are grateful for. Are they superficial or deeper things?

We wouldn’t appreciate the gift-giver: Now that the boo is here, we throw God on the back burner like a magic 8 ball or something. God knows us more than we give Him credit for. If He knows you are not gonna give Him the glory for a mate, why would He give them to you? His love is abounding for us but we have to come correct and be in tune with our first love- Father God-our source of all things good, pure and true. We can’t neglect God at any season in our lives; our lives depend on Him to continue thriving, especially in the fragile stages of relationships. God may deny you of a mate because you wouldn’t appreciate Him i.e. replace Him with a person, who is going to fail you at times, let you down, and may even hurt you. God doesn’t do any of that. The appreciation for God and His gifts come from a heart for the Father, His righteousness and His plan for your life. He deserves the glory in your life and in your relationship; don’t line your life up with anyone that won’t bring you closer to God. If this is your reason why you are single, don't date til you got your priorities in order. God wants us to not just date aimlessly; we need to seek Him and the right person will be presented or come along.

You don't have to let others speak for you, if YOU have a view on love and relationships. Let me hear from you via email at and you can let the blogging world know through, Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo and Tumblr.

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