Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where Is Your Faith? (Guest Blogger)

A few weeks ago, I received an email from Russelyn Williams who has a website called This website covers the gamut for Christian young adults, and as I look through her website, it has a plenty to offer. It's my hope that my relationshippers from around the world would check out her site (especially her blogs) for the Christian perspective for a new generation. Today she talks about waiting on the Lord for your Mr. Right, so take a read from Russelyn's viewpoint...

Sometimes life can be challenging as a Christian single. I can say for myself just a few days ago, I met a fine godly brother, which always seems to spark some sort of anxiety in me.  It makes me feel a bit of a rush for him to get my number and call me already. When you have waited so long and haven't seen any prospects that seem to be available or a good fit. However, when I  finally see one, I'm ready for take off, and when that doesn't happen it becomes easy for me to become discouraged.  So, I  have no choice but to continue on living life as usual. Shortly, after my bout of anxiety I had to finish up one more school teaching  abstinence education to high school students, and I thought to myself do I really believe this stuff that I am teaching? Do I want these young girls that I am speaking to to end up like me alone? In between classes, the thought came to my mind where is your faith? I looked up that phrase in the bible and came across Luke 8:22-25.

Luke 8:22-25 shares the story of Jesus and his disciples being in a ship, and Jesus says to his disciples, "Lets cross over to the other side of land." In other words, God is taking them somewhere. Jesus gets on the boat and falls asleep, and then a storm comes. The disciples began to freak out. They say things like we are going to drown. The anxiety of the storm has totally overridden the thought of them crossing over to the other side of land. Finally, in a panic they awake Jesus, and he calms the storm.  Then, he looks at his disciples saying the words I heard God say to me, "where is your faith?"

I can only interject with speculation as to why Jesus asked his disciples where is your faith. Could it be that they thought they would not get to the other side. Could it be that they cast off their faith for a moment not realizing who they really had on that boat with them and the power that he possessed.  Not realizing that even in situations that seem uncomfortable or outside of our control, he is still God and able to bring to pass what he said. In this case, Jesus had told them that they were crossing over to the other side. They faced the storm and forgot that Jesus said they were going to the other side and they almost gave up. However, Jesus was on the boat with them, and when they went to Jesus everything became ok, and they crossed over to that other side.

In the same sense, we are on our way somewhere. God has made us promises, and we are walking by faith to get to those promises. Like the disciples, when a storm comes or opposition comes we sometimes are quick to give up, and to get discouraged. But if we can re-kindle our faith and remember who is in the storm with us, and who made the promise (Jesus), and that he has the power to calm even the winds in our lives; we too will get to the other side.

Getting back to the single thing. I sometimes struggle with my faith in that area. Although, it seems it's easy for me to believe God for certain things, I've often struggled with my faith to believe God for a godly spouse going back and forth with my faith for that. Largely, due to the fact that I did not see any godly men around my age. But faith is not seeing and then believing, but about believing although, you do not see.

Another nugget God gave me at one point in time as it relates to my faith for a godly man is (Mark 11:23) For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. A mountain would be to man an impossible thing to move, just like a godly woman meeting a godly man seems impossible to some of us who have never experienced it, but we cannot lose our faith. Because when we lose our faith we forfeit our blessing, and we settle for drowning in our current circumstance in life. So, keep your faith even if it's really small because it's that small amount of faith that will get you to your promise.

This blog post may not only apply to singles. There may be other promises that we are waiting to have come to pass in our lives.
  1. What are some promises God has given you, and you felt like is this possible? Will I make it to this promise or will I drown in my current circumstance of life?
  2. What do you learn from this story on how to handle your current circumstance on your way to the promise?
Feel free to send me an email to if you wish to become a guest blogger. Your content must be about your perspective about love and relationships, and it must be at least 200 words. Don't let the number of words scare you. You'll be amazed as to how many words you come across once you get started...

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