Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Five Ways She Will Remember You Over The Others

I’m fortunate to be considered a go-to guy for women who have issues with men. Frequently I’m told that many guys have trouble conversing with women. According to women, men will send the well played "good morning" text, and the woman would reply. Then the man asks “how are you?”, and the woman would reply again. Then the conversation ends before it even starts, leaving the woman like...WHY??? Conversations are important, whether through text, phone, or in person. They set the stage. For the guys who are having trouble in this very important area of female interaction. Here are a few tips:

1. Be in the Know – Being knowledgeable about a variety of things is a great benefit. Keep yourself abreast on all current events (e.g. government shutdown, The Affordable Care Act, pop culture, new movies/books/music, community events, etc.). Having this knowledge gives you more things to discuss outside of yourself. It also shows how well rounded you are if you can discuss the negative effects of QE3 on the economy, the benefits of Low Mortgage Interest Rates for investors or homeowners, and the local festival that you may want to take her to this weekend.

2. Showcase Yourself – Conversations allow you to distinguish yourself. Use the time wisely. If she’s giving you her attention, make it worth it. If you study neuroscience during your down time, talk to her about it. I only mention neuroscience because my niece is currently majoring in it (my proud Uncle moment). Hopefully you’re on the journey to accomplishing great things in your specified field, discuss that with her. Understand that many guys may have her number, her Facebook, or may be out on a date with her, but this is your time to show her who you are and what you have to offer her from a mentally stimulating perspective.

3. Actively Listen – Many times when we converse with people, we listen with the intent to respond. This is dangerous and flat out unintelligent. When a woman speaks to you, listen. It’s much more important to take in all of what she’s saying before thinking of what you’re going to say. I understand in many cases you may be nervous and you don’t want any awkward silences so you feel the need to constantly speak, but relax.

4. Get intimate – Sεx is very mental as well as it is physical, but if you know what you're doing, you'll be able to seduce her mentally well before you ever get to seduce her physically. It’ll serve as wonderful foreplay for whenever you two take it to that next point. The greatest way to stimulate her mind outside of showcasing your distinguished brilliance is to be vulnerable. Your brilliance may stimulate her in a way where she admires it, but depending on the woman, she may not be able to connect to it. Vulnerability is something she can connect to. Vulnerability is a form of intimacy. Women have this idea that men operate fully off of our ego and pride. Let your guard down and show her that vulnerable side of yourself. She’ll love it and it’ll allow her to become even more open with you.

5. Be humble at all times – There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. I would say toe that line, but it’s far more beneficial to just be humble. Don’t come off like you know everything and don’t come off like you’re the greatest thing the earth has ever seen. Let who you are speak for yourself.

Fellas you have competition out here. Let that be clear and known. You have to distinguish yourself in every way imaginable. Your ability to converse can separate yourself from others, so be mindful of that. Conversation is an art, let her mind be your canvas, stimulate her mind and you might very well be on your way!

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