Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: New Beginnings From Old Endings

We've all been hurt by another person at one time or another. We were treated badly, trust was broken and hearts were hurt. Whatever the reasons were, the relationship came to an end, leaving us alone and staring at the blank slate of tomorrow. If you aren't careful, a breakup can affect every part of your life, from your leisure time to your work. Today's guest blogger is Persha, and she has blessed me with today's lesson.
Today we mark another milestone in our daily lives...we're almost at the end of 2013. So, how has 2013 been for you? If you could describe this year in one sentence, what would it be?
  • A good year with my dreams fulfilled? 
  • The year I met the love of my life? 
  • The year I made the worst mistakes of my life? 
  • The year where my relationships turned sour? 
  • A year that has gone by too quickly? 
I'm sure that most of you will agree with the last one at least. Okay, so what about me? Well...I survived! I broke up with my better half in 2012, and this year was more of a stabilization stage for me. If you have gone through a nasty breakup, you know how long the sting of a broken heart can last. It has a way of ruining your future, even if your ex is not in it. While the relationship itself has not left any dangerous scars, it has certainly left me second guessing myself and not letting even the nicest of guys into my life. I guess I'm scared of being burned again, so this year for me has been a year of fear. Mostly fear of me getting into a new relationship, and a fear that things might end in the same way as it did before...with me heartbroken. 

I look at my friends and my family, with their successful yet fulfilling relationships, and wonder why an intelligent, young, and sexy girl like myself can't seem to find that. Sometimes it gets me teary eyed because it's so depressing! I know that the first step to a successful yet fulfilling relationship is that I need to give someone a chance, and that seems to be the problem! How can I trust someone with my heart again when it was shredded into pieces not so long ago by someone I took a chance on, and truly cared for? True, if I consider all of the things that might go wrong in a relationship, I might never end up being in one myself. This is what I'm trying to deal with in the coming year. I'm beginning to understand and engrave in my head, that all miseries are a result of me living in the past or worrying about the future, and worrying about my future is ruining a perfectly good present.

2014 is the year where I will make an effort to give a special someone a chance, and hopefully he will handle my heart with care. Finally, this goes out to anyone in a relationship that has turned sour at some time during the year. Just remember: one door may close behind you, but another door is bound to open ahead of you. Let's leave behind we don't need to carry into 2014. How you spend the rest of your year is up to you...

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