Friday, December 20, 2013

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Stalk The Halls...

Whether we want to admit it or not, we have all checked out our exes on social media. Though we’ve all done this, it’s never worth your time or your energy. Here are five significant reasons why you need to stop doing this right now, if you still are sneaking a peek.

1. Don’t let yourself be defined by TLC’s ”Creep” - The lyrics of this song will keep playing in your head. “So I creep, yeah. Just Keep it on the down low, said nobody is supposed to know”. The funny thing is, as soon as you his your exes page, you'll hear it non-stop.

2. It's only going to make you angry - Seeing your ex with another guy or girl is only going to upset you. Why would you willingly do that to yourself? You will compare yourself to the new significant other in every way imaginable. This will make you feel insecure and angry, and only prompt you to call your best friend to get reassurance that your replacement is fat and ugly. 

3. You might accidentally “like” something on their Facebook page - Now, that’ll be embarrassing. Now they know that you were stalking them, and they will tell all of your mutual friends about it, and you are going to look desperate and crazy. 

4. You will literally drive yourself crazy - Spending time searching every avenue of social media to find any mentions of a new special someone in your ex’s life will drive you insane. Instead, do something constructive with your time. Go to the gym and get your best body ever or buy a fab new wardrobe so you will always look amazing and will be able to attract a new mate. 

5. You can’t get over someone if you look at their pictures every day - If you continue this pattern, then you will just draw out the process of fixing your broken heart for much longer than necessary. 

Though I’m not usually one to quote Tupac, but he made a great point when he said: “You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve or would’ve happened…or you can leave the pieces on the floor and move on”. Learn the lesson... 

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