Friday, January 31, 2014

Lessons In Finding Your "One"

It seems like right before Valentine's Day people are basically aching more for "the one" than ever before. I can somewhat relate because right now I'm dying for the NFL season to continue, and we're only days away from the Super Bowl. A lot of people want to find the one, they really do.They are looking for that one person they can spend the rest of their lives with. Anyone who has been around me long enough knows that I believe in soulmates. I feel a lot of people are searching for their soulmate, but they are not enjoying the journey or the search in the process.

Think about it this way: every single day, if you go out with an open mind instead of searching for "the one", and wondering where they are going to be, if you go out every single day and start flirting with people, talking to people, having fun with people, and basically enjoying the beauty of being single, guess what happens? The Law of Attraction happens. You start meeting great people. You start meeting great people that are interested in you. You start creating chemistry with great people that are interested in you. Not only that, you'll actually start having fun out there. You're never going to meet "the one" when you're miserable, or when you're sitting around with a bunch of your friends complaining about where all of the great people are, or living behind excuses, and you know all of the excuses...
  • This city is not a good place to meet people.
  • I'm at a certain age right now and no one wants to date me.
  • I'm too fat to date. I'll get out there when I lose 10 pounds.
All of this of course, is bull! It's all about who you are, it doesn't even matter where you live. I don't care if you live in Austin Texas, and you think there are no good people there, so you move to Miami, Florida. You are still going to take that same attitude with you to Miami that you had in Austin. I believe that you can meet great men and women anywhere, but it's all about your mindset.

To me, being single is amazing. You get to experience all the little mini relationships, even though they may not be "the one", they're just people that are helping you get closer and closer to what you really want. I call them a relationship coming attraction. You know when you go to the movies and you watch 3 or 4 previews before the movie starts, you think to yourself "I can't wait to see that movie" or "I will pass on that movie". Each person that you date will show you a coming attraction about themselves or about yourself. You'll say either I can't wait or I'll pass and wait for the next one. You have to consider those relationships a preview of coming attractions because you learn so much from every single person. So don't get disappointed if the person you're dating right now is not the one. Just embrace the lesson they are teaching and the amazing things you are learning.

When you are so consumed in your life with dating or being with "the one", you miss all of the beautiful things that can happen between you and the other person. You might meet someone tomorrow, and they might only be there for a month, but they will always teach you something about yourself. I truly believe that we are all just messengers. We teach each other lessons to show each other beautiful things until we become the complete person that we need to be. Only at that moment when we've experienced enough things in our lives, will "the one" be delivered to us. So get out there and date, get out there an experiment, get out there and learn something! Because if you don't, you're never going to find "the one" because you don't really know what they are about, or what you are supposed to be..

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