Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's A Love Revolution

In eight days, it will be yet another Valentine’s Day. That means there will be people who will love it, and there will be people who will hate it. The rest of the people are probably somewhere in the middle. Regardless, this holiday is on the horizon and I for one enjoy it. Whether or not I have a valentine is irrelevant; I just enjoy spreading love. And as "Love's #1 Fan, and a believer in finding "The One", it's my responsibility to the world to generate a "Love Revolution" for Valentine's Day 2014...

I want to believe that Valentine's Day is more than women receiving cards and flowers and gifts of the stuffed bear variety. I'm just foolish enough to believe that Valentine's Day can be about women celebrating the men in their lives just as much as men celebrate women. Real men spend 364 days treating the woman they love special, couldn't one day be for him? I'm gonna leave the stuffed animals and heart shaped candies to all of the rookies out there. Ladies if you have yourself a "relationship rookie", next year may be the year you graduate to having a "valentine veteran". For the veterans, be proud of the fact that you are on your job every day and every month of the year. If you have a man that does the things of a gentleman, a lover, and a friend all rolled up into one...isn't that worth celebrating? 

To be a love revolutionary, it is defined as being outside or beyond the established procedure and principle. Men these days are being inundated with commercialism in romantic reminders that "every kiss begins with Kay" and "he went to Jared" and the like. This might work for the simplistic, but for me, I'd much rather make sure she's protected. I'd much rather take some of the load off of her plate. I'd much rather intercept stress and worry so she can be free mentally and physically to be at her best. This might be just me but I'm sure that valentine veterans line up everyday to perform such tasks for the one he loves. I'm not discounting the power of the diamond as a gift because it has its place, but for the veteran and the love revolutionary there's a bigger picture involved here. 

For Valentines day, I personally would like to feel appreciated. Feeling loved takes me to the moon, but feeling appreciated takes me beyond the stratosphere. A kiss may make her feel loved and electric at the same time, but ladies do you know just what exactly a kiss (the genuine, heartfelt and intentional one) does for a man? If you ever complimented your man for taking out the trash or bringing in the groceries, I promise you, the next trip will involve several more bags in his hands from the first time you saw him. It's mostly fueled from the appreciation he just received. This year, I'm looking for a love revolutionary to go outside of the norm next weekend. Do something outside of the established. Can I count you in this year?

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