Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love Writes a Letter

Hi. You don’t know me, but you have met me. My name is LOVE. You've met me several times in your life but you have never really recognized me. Somewhere along the lines you have created a distorted version of who and what I really am, so I am writing this letter to clarify a few misconceptions you have about me. Now I realize that this letter may stir up some emotions for you, it may even stir up some anger and resentment from you. And that’s ok because the only way for you to know me, to really know me, is to understand who and what I really am.

I am Love, and I am an experience. Some may say the greatest experience in the world. I am happiness, fulfillment, honesty, respect and integrity all rolled into one. I am the greatest experience you will ever have in your life. You can't buy me, and you can't learn about me. You have to experience me. You can read about me, and hear someone else talk about me, but you will never truly know me until you experience me. The problem is you don’t know how to experience me because you keep looking for me as if I am a thing that can be found. In your quest to find Love you fail to understand that I am not a mystical thing that runs around the planet eluding the masses.

I do not hide in trees or live under rocks. You don’t have to find me because I'm already here. I'm always around you, just like the air you breathe. But you fail to see me because you're too busy in your quest to find me. You don’t have to search for me, you simply have to know I'm always there. Once you know this, you simply have to open your mind and your heart and allow me in. The reason you can't see me is because you don’t understand who YOU are. You keep thinking that if you had me, your life would be better and you would be more complete...but that is a lie. You're already whole, and you're already everything you need to be...the perfect expression of who you really are.

Some say Love is a lot like money, I simply make you more of what you are. If you are a warm and generous person you will become warmer and even more generous. However, if you are insecure and jealous, my presence will only intensify those experiences because you feel you're undeserving of me. When this is the case, you will make it impossible for me to exist in your life. If you do not feel that I exist, or if you do not feel like you deserve me, you'll do everything in your power to keep me away from you. You will continue to blame those who may have hurt you. You will continue to make excuses for why it is ok for someone to treat you in a way that is less than you deserve. And as a result, you will make it impossible for me to exist in your life.

You see, Love has an evil twin sister and her name is FEAR. She is stronger than I am. She is the reason why you can not recognize and see me. Because Fear knows how to play with your mind and she certainly knows how to manipulate your emotions. Fear knows how to make you see and think things which are not really true. She is a master at manipulation. You may not be able to recognize Fear, but you'll know when she's around. She makes you afraid, she makes you stay in your comfort zone. She makes you do things you know you shouldn’t do. When you are presented with an opportunity to get to know Love or come closer to Love, Fear will do everything in her power to keep you away. And she will masterfully make you believe it is someone else's fault. Fear will cause you to make excuses when your partner continually lies and disrespects you. Fear will make you rationalize and justify why you should stay in an unhappy relationship. Fear will make you say things like:
  • But I love him / her.”
  • “He / she really loves me, but just doesn’t know it”
  • “I know things will get better”
  • “It’s not that bad, I can live with it”
Fear will keep you from standing up for yourself. Fear will keep you from owning your POWER and showing the world you are ready for Love. Fear will do everything she can to keep you down, and she is sneaky too. When the one you say you love is not being or acting like the true partner you know you deserve, it's Fear that makes you stay. Fear causes you to rationalize and justify why you should stay with someone who is treating you like a doormat. Fear will confuse you, and tell you that it's Love that makes you want to stay. Fear also makes you doubt if I really exist. You may not have experienced me yet, but that does not mean I don’t exist. LOVE DOES EXIST...and I'm always around! There is evidence of me everywhere. You simply have to start focusing on Love and stop focusing on Fear.

But the biggest thing you have to do to notice me is to love yourself. Because the true Power in life, the greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself. When you love yourself, you don’t allow anyone to treat you any other way than the way you deserve. When you love yourself, you no longer tolerate things and make excuses for those who treat you like an object. You must stand in your Power and know that it is your birthright to know and experience me. No matter how afraid you are, no matter what your past is like, and no matter how much your heart has been broken in the can experience me again! But in life, we all have the ability to choose. Every moment we get to decide if we are going to choose, but most of the time we don’t even realize it. That's just how good Fear is at what Fear does. Fear makes it difficult to see what is right in front of you, because Fear is afraid. Fear knows if you know the truth, if you really knew how to stand in your Power and make choices and decisions that brings more Love into your life...Fear will disappear.

Because in the presence of LOVE and POWER there is no FEAR.


  1. That was breath taking Delvin. You had me with everything, but when you said "Love yourself" & " Stand in your power" & "It's my birthright". Just breath taking. Excellent job! #aj

  2. Thanks AJ. Just remember, it IS your birthright!
