Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Men Who Are Not Relationship Ready

Everyone knows that we all have issues. The best test of one’s character is how they are able to resolve these issues without totally losing control of their lives. Some people have mastered it, others…not so much. When men invest their emotions into something and it crumbles, it’s extremely difficult for them to overcome the situation. When it comes to selecting a male companion, it’s important to identify men who are mentally suitable for a relationship. While it can be difficult to instantaneously identify a man who has unresolved issues, there are things that men do that reveal they are unfit for relationships. Check out the three types of men who are unfit for relationships below:
  1. A man who lacks ambition. A man without a plan is a lost man. A man with a plan and no ambition is a lazy man. Even if a man makes a lower annual salary than his female partner, it is still imperative that his actions reveal a consistent, resilient work ethic. A man who sells dreams is a man who needs to be by himself until he learns how to go out and create opportunities for himself.
  2. A man who has an addiction. It is far more challenging for men to overcome addictions in comparison to women. This is especially true as it pertains to drug and alcohol abuse. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, men are twice as likely as women to meet the criteria for drug addiction in their lifetime. No matter what the addiction, women should avoid men who are addicts at all costs. 
  3. A man who has too much pride. There is absolutely no room for pride and an ego in relationships. Testosterone in men drives them to reign supreme. As a result, it can be challenging for them to fall in love because love requires them to submit to their relationship in some form or fashion. Men who aren’t willing to take the risk of falling in love aren’t fit for relationships. While heartbreak can be painful, fear is even more dangerous.

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