Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Words Can Speak Loud Too!

I have to admit, for a long time I have been fueled by hearing someone say "I love you" to me. To me, it's like the greatest emotional rush you could ever feel. For a man, for this man, I'm feeling like I'm on top of the world! With that said, I've also struggled emotionally not hearing those words said, especially when I've done everything I knew how to prove my love to her. As I've gotten older, I've learned a few things along the way: Just because our significant other does not say the actual words “I love you” as often as we would like, it doesn't mean they don't care deeply for us. They just show it rather than breathing air to us. We've become so caught up in what they did not say instead of realizing maybe...just maybe, they have been showing it to us all along. When we understand that men show their care by doing, and women show their care more by expressing through word, it will ease our relationship confusions and doubts. Take a step back and think about how much of the little gestures that are made from our significant others. Does he or she show they care if they don't express the words, “I love you“ by saying:

Here, take my sweater. 
Drive safely. 
Text me when you get home. 
Good luck with your job today. 
I’ll pray for you. 
Watch your step!
I believe in you. 
Are you okay? 
I miss you. 
How was your day?
Good night beautiful.
Good morning handsome man. 

All of the phrases above are indicators of love. I've always been able to give out this kind of love, but just recently I've been open to receiving this love, and not just taking it the traditional way. We all must learn how to listen for them. If we expect others to love the way we love, we will never find happiness in what is directly in front of us. If you lose the expectations, then you'll lose the disappointment too. Just because they might love differently, does not mean they do not love us. Different does not mean non-existent, different just means individuality. If everyone simply said those three words everyday all day to us, would that not be boring and predictable after a while? Don't get me wrong, I've learned the value of love and I am not endorsing anyone replace saying with doing, but together they make for one powerful weapon of mass destruction.

So lets learn to start listening to love. Lets absorb all of its glory around us when we're around those who care for us.  It does not always have to be words for us to know we are loved, they can be actions. Yes, how you express your love in your words can be just as powerful...

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