Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Letter to Good Women Everywhere

Last week, I put in the bloggersphere a call for good men to stand up and make themselves visible. You wouldn't believe how many emails I received from both men and women telling me just how needed that post was. I also was asked, for the sake of fairness, if I was going to reveal the characteristics of a good woman. Well, you know I couldn't back away from a challenge, so here are my points on who and what a good woman consists of... 

A good woman will encourage her man: Men have bad days too. We go through periods of feeling lost, confused, and unsure of what to do next. Even when all seems to be going great, it is important to speak life into your man. Encourage him by blessing his day with positive words. Let him know that you are proud of what he’s doing in life, and always push him towards greater. We live in a world where more people want to see us fail than succeed, so be a safe haven for him. Be someone he can count on to say just the right thing. There never has to be a special occasion for encouragement, “just because” encouragement is priceless.

A good woman will respect her man: Respect is essential to a healthy relationship. There will be times in your relationship where the two of you will disagree, but it is important to remember that there is a time and place for everything. This does not mean you don’t have a voice, but it does mean that you shouldn’t down him in front of or to others, or cause a scene in public. When it comes to the opposite sex it means never leading other guys on, or entertaining guys that don’t care about or respect your relationship status. Commitment is serious and remember never do anything you would have to lie about or cover up later.

A good woman will support her man: Support is precious. When you are working hard at something, you have a vision, and you're on a mission, there is nothing like having someone behind you who believes just as much as you do. It is important to support your man in his endeavors. Stick by his side whether things are going great or not – this will mean more to him than you know. Help him get things done if he needs it. Ask him how you can help make things easier. Let him know that you believe in him, and reassure him of the potential he has. Sometimes when things get tough we get hard on ourselves, but be there for him…be his rock.

A good woman will listen to her man: Men may not be as verbal as women, but they have things to say as well. We enjoy talking so much that it is important to remember how essential listening is. Just because you may not agree with what he’s saying, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hear him out and try to understand where he is coming from. Sometimes he may just need a listening ear versus someone lecturing him on what to do. Listen to him, and make sure you give what he has said proper thought before responding. Don’t be so quick to be defensive if the topic pertains to you, because if he says it to you then obviously it really means something to him. Always make sure you have a welcoming attitude so that he feels comfortable talking to you. This will help with misunderstandings, and bring the two of you closer.

A good woman will pray for her man: Aside from thanking God for the blessing of a great relationship, you should pray for your man personally. Pray for his strength, covering, and overall well being. When things come up in the relationship, there isn’t anything you could do more important than praying. We are all a work in progress, so when there are things that you don’t particularly agree with or like, then pray about it. Ask God to help him see the need to make changes. There is nothing like a prayerful woman. If your relationship seems to be on the down-side, turn to God. Remember God set our first example of family when he created Adam and Eve and he blessed us with the gift of love, so what better person to confide in regarding your significant other and your relationship. Lift him up, and seal it with an amen. You can’t be everything for him nor should you desire to be, but the very best thing a good woman can do is pray to the one who can and will be everything he needs.

People misconstrue the sexuality of women with being a good woman, but being a good woman goes so far beyond her sex appeal. Nowhere in here did I mention how a good woman is supposed to look, but did I cover everything? What if anything, did I miss in the good woman's characteristics? I'd love to hear from you on this if you can think of something... 

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