Friday, February 6, 2015

Poor Relationship Credit

Today is going to be a short entry, mostly because there is something I have to address after the blog, and I don't want to overwhelm you with a long post (I know some of my critics are sitting up at attention now that I said it). I was talking to one of my blogging friends who I am super proud of because she is blowing up in her own way, and she said something to me that made me pause and really think over. 

Some women have forgotten the lost art of "weeding out the competition" and letting a man prove himself if he is going to be in the picture. Far too many are grabbing a man solely on the "at least he wants me" premise, and it is causing unnecessary heartache. My friend and I spent most of the afternoon Sunday giving references to loving men with "poor relationship credit" and how they will eventually bring your score down because by association you are dealing with someone so risky for your heart. 

People with a poor relationship credit score have the tendency to move from relationship to relationship without as much as investigating how or why their score is so bad. I'm not saying you should ask anyone what their credit score is on a date, but when it comes to relationships, you should look for signs that will easily identify them as someone who is questionable at best. Given today's climate, people with poor relationship credit will come to the surface all on its own, but if you get snared up by looks and charm, you'll never see that he or she has filed for "relationship bankruptcy" prior to hooking up with you. Just because he or she wants you, doesn't mean you drop your guard. Keep your standards, have some requirements, and I suggest you find some if you don't have any. 

Guard your heart, that's all...

Now for what I want to address. I've been moving closer and closer to talk radio, and with the help of some very good friends, I have been a guest on several talk show programs locally and nationally. It has always been my desire to get back on the air with my own show, something I haven't done since my college days. I now have the chance to take the blog to an internet radio station based here in Chicago that will be heard all around the world, so everyone who enjoys the blog can hear it 3 days a week just like everyone around the world reads it 3 days a week. I've started a funding project on Kickstarter, and you go to this link to find out all about it and support it any way you can. It's my desire to help the world, but I'm a proud man who wants to do it all myself. Now that I'm close to my goal, I can't operate that way any longer. So, if this blog has helped you in any way via information or entertainment, please help me help the world in this new way to share my lessons. Thank you for your support...

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