Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Lesson in Women Proposing to Men

Blurred gender roles are the norm in today’s day and age. Most of us want equality for both sexes in all facets of life. Ideally this would be the case, but the truth is there will always be some resistance in some cases. For example, we have today’s subject of marriage proposal. Now some of us may feel that a woman proposing to a man would be tacky, and some simply thinking it isn’t right. We’ll explore this today whether it be in this blog or in the comments to follow, but the bottom line is this here lies the same “what’s good for the goose” ideology. If men can propose to women, so should a woman propose to a man.

Will this ever be the "in thing" to do? I’m not sure, but I can give my faithful readers my view on it. Heading to brunch two Sundays ago, I was talking to my boy about this. I told him that serious couples discuss things like marriage and their futures together. To me, if a couple discusses their future together then a woman should feel confident enough to know that one day her man will propose to her. Whether or not a woman is patient enough to wait is another question altogether. Of course another question that arises is how long is too long to wait? I really don’t know. Different people have different levels of patience. My patience threshold is pretty solid. This also depends on circumstance and the personalities involved. I’ve seen people get engaged and married within a calendar year; and stay married. I have also seen couples be married for twenty years and still see it fail. So there’s obviously more than one way to skin a cat. When it comes to proposals, you can argue there is no right or wrong way. I say that in regards to who proposes.

I actually dated a woman a while back who said that she would entertain the idea of proposing to a man. I was shocked to say the least. She was a bit of a go getter. My guess is that maybe more extroverted women are open to proposing to a man. What I did find interesting was a study that I read in Men's Health that said 83% of men won’t wear a “man-gagement” ring. So the majority of us fellas aren’t into this idea basically. Why am I not into it? I’m a forward thinking cat. I believe in being creative and pushing envelopes. I believe in challenging thoughts and the whole shebang, but strangely enough, I’m still a bit of a traditionalist. I think the proposal process is the time for a guy to be supremely romantic. There’s not another day where a woman should imagine being swept off her feet any better. A woman proposing to us robs us of our creativity for such a special moment. That’s just me.

The photo above is a picture I think many of us in our community have seen. There’s actually an Instagram video to go along with it. It was filled with supporters as you can see, but many of us just saw it as left field. I felt slightly uncomfortable watching it. It wasn’t gross in the least, it just seemed so different. The whole idea of a man going down on one knee is to show that humility and vulnerability at least once. The one time to say "hey, I got you.” It’s that woman’s turn to be in this position to really make this guy’s world. As a man, I don’t even know how to receive a woman getting down on one knee for me. I might just pick her up to be completely honest with you. Let me handle the proposal, and you choose the cake for the reception, deal?

What’s your views on female marriage proposals? Are you for or against it, and why?


  1. I'm a woman who proposed to my man. And the way I feel about it is, it really shouldn't matter *who* proposes as long as you both love each other. The older generation has this black and white idea of how EVERYTHING should be and has a lot of the stuff that is tacky, controlling/manipulative, and stupid. Our generation and younger kind of on the cusp of losing all preconceptions and being more accepting and celebratory of all things unique. I was with my man for 3 years and I am deeply in love with him. So, I SPOKE TO HIM ABOUT IT. We decided together that it was something we wanted and ultimately I wanted to do the proposal. It's not a sign of weakness or humility. The order in which love is expressed shouldn't matter. So if as a guy, you feel weird about being propsed to by a woman for social reasons, don't because that crap is disappearing. :) what matters is do you love her and does she love you?

  2. I feel women choosing her life partner herself and moreover approaching her first is something rarely seen or happens but if it is so then the men surely has a heart of gold and even the women is matured enough to do so.

    Marriage Counseling Fort Myers
