Monday, October 26, 2015

Ready To Take The Leap

What call are you afraid of making in your life? Is it time that you ended a relationship with an old friend? Do you need to leave your partner because you know he/she isn’t the one for you? Do you hate your job? You might have a few decades left to live, but are you going to spend them being miserable? Maybe miserable is too strong of a word, but your life is calling for some drastic action right now. At a certain point, after you've finish analyzing, preparing, and deciding what you need to do, you just need to take the leap. The decision may be obvious, but trust me, the reality is terrifying.

We all experience that terrifying feeling, and as a man, I'm often afraid to admit uncertainty or weakness in any form. I experience nervousness, fear, and uncertainty just as much as any other guy (maybe even more because I am so relentless with myself about becoming self-actualized). I've come to this point of realization: I believe there is nothing more normal than fear. There is a quote that I love that goes, “The more personal it is, the more universal it is”. Basically, it's saying that every little thing that you think no one should ever find out about you (because it is SO embarrassing), is a sure sign that everyone experiences that same feeling, and are probably experiencing it on a frequent basis.

What is not normal, is having your life be run by fear. Some fear is healthy, but an over-abundance of fear is damaging and limits your entire life in every way. See that girl or guy you’re attracted to? Go talk to them. You don’t know what to say? Start with “hello”, and then go from there. You know the job that you feel stuck in and you dislike so much? You can leave it and find another job. That other job might have to pay less for a while, but you’ll be happy again. Do you feel like a lot of your friends don’t really have your best interest at heart? Stop hanging out with them. The great thing about living in a world with seven billion people is that you can choose to make new friends. Sounds good right? Try it out! On my Instagram this morning, I posted a reminder that said "If you don't like where you are, MOVE, you are not a tree". It's funny, but it's real (at least it is for me).   

So again, what call are you not making in your life? As scary as it may seem, you will probably grow from it, just as I am about to grow by doing what I want to do with my life with whom I wish to share what I do with. As always, I will be periodically sharing the process of my journey with you soon, so stay tuned.
Is it scary? Absolutely.
Is it worth it? Always.
Take the leap, you'll thank me later... 

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