Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mars vs. Venus

Today I have some very basic, yet powerful advice for the ladies. Men and women think VERY differently seeing that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Men don’t read into everything like women do. If you get a text message from us that says, “Can we meet up later?” we actually mean, “Can we meet up later?” If we say, “I’m tied up today. Can we do tomorrow?” We really mean, “I’m tied up today. Can we do tomorrow?”
There’s no hidden agenda or underlying secret. 99% of the time, we mean what we say. You don’t always need to analyze what we’ve said, or even try to second-guess what we’re thinking. Don’t waste hours thinking, “Hmmm, what does he mean by, he’s tied up today? Does that mean he’s seeing another woman? What is he thinking? Does he want me to chase him?”
Most men don’t speak in code, and we don’t analyze everything women say. You need to realize quickly that when a real man is in a relationship with you, he says exactly what he means. Sometimes we know it drives you crazy because we are possibly a little more blunt than you would like us to be, or we speak in short sentences. Men just don’t like giving monologues when we’re communicating with you.
“Reading between the lines” is a phrase I’m sure a woman came up with. Men just don’t do it; Not when we’re in relationships anyway. We like things plain and simple. We want no fuss, no messing around, and no games. Try to play games with an evolved man and we’ll cut you off in a heartbeat!
It’s funny, the other day I was chatting it up with a woman and I said, “Stop trying to look for a sub-text here.” She laughed because she knew exactly what I was talking about. “How did you know what I was thinking?” She asked. “Because I know how women always look for some sort of hidden agenda or hidden meaning when men speak.” I explained. 
So ladies, here is today's relationship lesson for you plain and simple. Stop trying to second-guess what men are thinking. We mean what we say. If you’re not sure what we mean, just ask us! Don’t lay awake for nights on end, trying to figure out what we’re trying to say. If something isn’t clear, talk to us about it. It’s all about communication, and I tell women all the time stop driving yourself crazy about men. Talk, ask, listen, and stop making scenarios up in your head. Most of them don’t really exist! 
You should thank me later for bringing the planets closer together...


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