Monday, October 29, 2012

Is He Over Her?

Do you ever get the feeling that there are three people in your relationship: you, your guy, and his ex? Does he still talk or email her often? Does he hold an unhealthy grudge, or seems pre-occupied with what she is doing now? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, it may mean that he hasn't completely let go yet. So, how can you tell that he is not really over his ex?

1. He wasted no time before jumping into his next relationship. If you started dating this guy shortly after his latest breakup, there's a good chance that hes not completely over his ex, no matter what he says. There are hopes and dreams we have when we get into  a relationship that we lose when we lose that relationship. It takes some time to get over those things. Men often avoid the grieving process that follows a breakup, even though it can be instrumental in helping them assess the relationship and move on. You want to be sure he can talk about it, that he can analyze it a little bit, and can say what went wrong and what went right, and what part he played in what went wrong. If he isn't quite there, it doesn't mean your relationship is doomed. It just means you need to understand that he still has some processing to do, and he's going to do some of it with you.

2. He fell for you before his relationship ended. These are men like John Edwards and Tiger Woods, who tell you their previous relationships were over or broken, but they still go home to their wives or girlfriends. It sounds obvious, but these guys are bad news. It doesn't matter if he says the relationship is bad, he has a cheating mentality, and if he cheats on her, then he probably wouldn't have a problem with cheating on you. Even if he does eventually leave his wife or girlfriend (and that's a big if), and you're willing to give it  a go with this guy, he literally hasn't had any time to process the demise of that previous relationship, so you could run into the same problems as in #1 above. Bottom line, this is probably not someone you want to be with.

3. He can't break the string. There are plenty of reasons a guy may stay in touch with his ex, and they aren't necessarily all bad. If they have kids in common, they have to be in contact. If they were together for a long, long time, there's also some reason for contact. But if neither situation applies, and he still won't stop talking to his ex, you should initiate a conversation about her...carefully. What you don't want to do is set yourself up against his ex. Talk to him about his relationship with his ex, and what he thinks he can do better or differently in your relationship. Offer to reach out to the ex yourself, but if he's not up for that, and if he doesn't seem compelled to change anything about the current situation, even if it's making you uncomfortable...that's a major red flag. Slow the relationship down immediately in those circumstances. I would say, "I can't go further if you're going to have a relationship with somebody that has to be behind my back".

4. He obsesses over the remnants of the relationship. If he's always checking her Facebook or Twitter profile, or you catch him poring over old pictures, you could also have a problem. He's not finished, and he hasn't done his grieving. You have to understand that if you stay in a relationship with him, you're going to be part of that grieving process. When you're in a relationship, you talk about just about everything. Whether it's work, friends or family, there's always something to discuss over dinner, and past relationships should be no different. Let him know you're open to talking about his exes. Discussing this relationship could help him work through his feelings and move forward...and may even bring the two of you closer together.

If your guy hasn't completely let go of his ex, proceed with caution, but know that your relationship isn't necessarily a lost cause. He may want to be with you, but needs just a bit more time to deal with his breakup. The key to making it work is both of you being willing to talk openly about his old relationship and his feelings about his ex. And if, when all is said and done, he just can't let go, you may have to be the one who moves on...


  1. Truth, nice blog

  2. I couldn't have asked for a better blog. You happen to be always at hand to offer excellent guidance, going straight away to the point for easy understanding of your site visitors. You're really a terrific pro in this subject matter. Many thanks for being there visitors like me.

  3. Everyone needs a grieving process after each relationship, jumping into another one doesn't mean your over the old one. People should read and take your advice because the adivce you have given is very accurate. There isn't one woman who wants to be in a relationship with man and he is thinking about his ex.Gr8 job!#AJ
