Friday, November 23, 2012

Ladies, Don't Make THAT Mistake

Too many women make one big mistake that dooms their relationships. They think a man is going to change...for the better. They see potential in a man, and they say, “I can work with this. I can get him to change into the boyfriend, lover or husband that I want.” Well guess what...he’s probably not going to change (at least in the way you want him to change).

If he doesn’t like to talk and share his feelings now, he probably never will. If he seems self-centered and concerned primarily with his own feelings and happiness, chances are it will be a long time until he considers your feelings first. He may never consult with you before he makes plans for a road trip with the guys. As a result, he may never understand why you are pissed at him for not talking to you first.

Men are creatures of habit, and most of them don’t change their habits easily. So the way a man is now is a pretty good indication of what he’s going to be like five or 10 years from now. That’s not to say that he will never change, or he can’t learn new behaviors. But ladies, let’s face the facts. You’re probably not going to turn a frog into a handsome prince with a few of your passionate kisses. So as you date a man, watching for signs that he might be a worthy boyfriend (or more). Pay attention to how he behaves right now. Does he have a great sense of humor? Fabulous! That’s not going to change. Does he ever crack a smile? No? That’s probably not going to change either.

Compare his traits to your “wish list” for the perfect man. If there are attributes that your perfect man simply must have, and your gentleman friend doesn’t have them, then move on. A deal breaker is a deal breaker. Don’t waste of lot of your time on a man who doesn’t meet your standards. Don’t make the big mistake of hoping and wishing that he will change for you, as the years roll on and on.
You owe it to yourself to get the fabulous man that you deserve, don’t you?

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The image of "The Princess and the Frog" appears courtesy of Disney Pictures.


  1. This is amazing. This was a MUST read. :) thanks

  2. Everyone deserves that perfect mate for them. Advising your readers not to waste time, is a message worth listening too. Great job as always! #aj
