Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Things Women Do That Scare Men

It’s not like men sit around and talk as often as women do about relationships. We have the Sunday Football Pre-Game shows, and you have the View. Guys don’t talk feelings very often, or share too much personal stuff in large groups. Maybe in one-on-one's with our closest friends when we talk about what women do that we don't like, but that's about it. Then we are just as bad as any group of women. But, along with the natural complaints about girlfriends and wives, there is that special time when we compare notes about women who scare us. This typically is when we are dating or even just checking out women. There are certain things that most of us just find universally unattractive or scary. Do you want to be more approachable or appealing to more men? You might consider not doing any of these things.

  • Talking Smack – It doesn’t matter who it is, or what the subject is about. If you constantly bad mouth people or things, it gets old really fast. We look at this as a pre-cursor of how you might talk to us or about us.
  • High Maintenance – When many guys were younger we all wanted that girl who looked perfect...which we now know involves a lot of time and effort. Now that we are older, women who can get ready quickly and feel comfortable with their looks are SO much more attractive. Spending hours getting ready, shopping all the time for clothes that make you look "perfect", and all those other things scream at us because no guy wants to really endure all of that.
  • Telling Us What You Don’t Want – This is just plain frustrating. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about; relationships, choices for dinner, etc. What DO you want? My friends and I view this as some weird test or game for us to listen to all the “no’s” and then we are expected to figure out the “yes”.
  • Crazy Finger Nails – Super long or bedazzled nails are just a bit freaky to us. Aside from that annoying ‘clicking’ sound when they tap them is also a hallmark of "high maintenance". There is just no added physical appeal to someone who always has to be careful as to not break a nail. A manicured nail? Yes. An eagle's talon? No.
  • Moving Too Fast – You see it made fun of in movies; the crazy girl who starts stalking a guy after one date. Give us a little space and let it happen naturally if it’s going to happen. We do not need to meet your family and friends on the second date.
  • Too Much Cell Phone – I love my cell, and my friends love theirs as well. But women who can’t put it down, and have to constantly be texting and calling people really seem super needy. It's like you constantly need feedback from all of your friends on what is happening in your life instead of just living.
  • Dressing Trashy – This can occur when you are going for sexy and hot, but miss badly...very badly. Late at night in the club or at the bar this will attract some of us, but other than those situations, wearing things that let it all hang out might catch our eye but not our long term attention.
  • Talking - This is a wide ranging problem. Some women seem to love to talk without listening to us or seeing our verbal cues. Other women will grill much too quickly because previous dates have left them frustrated, and they don’t want to waste time with a guy who doesn’t meet those standards. Maybe I do want kids but do we need to cover that on the first date?
Now to be perfectly honest, the hotter a woman looks, the more likely we will initially overlook many things on this list. We usually can’t help that, but looks don’t make a relationship. If that was the case, all of these Hollywood couples would last a lot longer...

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  1. Lololol!!! Funny but true!!

  2. Not sure when or how this happened but now a days it takes men longer to get ready than women. At least in my house it does, and as a woman, that scares me.
