Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Time To Heal (Guest Blogger)

I had an idea a while back to give people a chance to offer their view on love and relationships. I started the process of asking a few of my friends to submit a blog to me speaking on whatever they wanted to talk about the subject. My first blog winner came from a riddle I asked on Facebook, and he was the first to answer it correctly. So ladies and gentlemen, I give you the first of many guest bloggers to come...enjoy!

First I'd like to thank my brother for the opportunity to give the guest sermon...I mean blog for this week. My name is Sir Stephen, and while I'm not a cakeboss yet, I am something like a lieutenant of love, LOL! I've had my share of relationships (some good and some bad), been married twice and divorced twice, and I still believe in love. One thing I've found out...It's hard to jump into a relationship when you haven't healed from a previous one.

Short story: When I was in college, I tried my hand at football. While in the gym, I tore cartilage in my knee and it required surgery. I had the surgery, and started the healing process along with physical therapy. I was in pain for a while, but it didn't last long. In my opinion, I was ready to start practicing again, but my doctor knew better. He told me that if I started practice before completely healing, I could do more damage and risk not playing again. I listened, and in time I healed fully. To this day, I still have the scar on my knee, but the pain is gone.

It's the same thing with love...we get hurt, some are affected deeper than others, but we hurt nonetheless. You can jump into another relationship too soon, bringing that same hurt to someone that had nothing to do with your injury, and end up hurting your heart and possibly someone else's heart severely. Take time to heal. Your scars might remain, but if you take time to heal correctly, the pain will be gone and you'll be ready to love again...

Give love away,

If you have a view on love and relationships that you would like to submit for a chance to be a guest blogger every Tuesday, all you have to do is follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and email me your blog along with a profile picture to therealcakebossblog@gmail.com. I believe that I can't be the only voice out here, and there are people who believe in love even if you've been heartbroken before. Let me hear from you!

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  1. This is soo very true.There are many times people jump into the next relationship thinking that everything is fine and dandy. Not really paying attention that they are bringing extra unwanted baggage along, trust issues,insecurities of all kinds, as well as other negativity. Sir Stephen you have wrapped it up in a nutshell.

  2. I think this is on point. However, it seems men tend to move into another relationship much quicker than women. Reflection of a failed relationship is always the best remedy to healing and hopefully preparing to bring our best qualities to a future...successful relationship. Nice read!

  3. I agree men seem to move from one relationship to the next much quicker than we women do that's why as a woman I've determined NOT to be the NEXT one for some man who just broke up with his EX one. Women get your power back!
