Friday, November 16, 2012

Relationship Foolishness

In every relationship you experience a little crazy behavior now and then. But there is a state of mind that lives between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day, and rears its ugly head to try to sabotage the most well intentioned relationship. Like Freddie Kruger or Michael Meyers or Chucky, if you see it coming your way, go in the other direction and save yourself. What could be SO villainous that I equate it to that of the Boogey Man? Its what I call "Relationship Foolishness", and here is how it works...

There lies in the mind of some people the process of removing themselves from a relationship, in order to avoid buying gifts for their significant other for Christmas, and to be on the safe side, Valentine's Day too. I know it may sound funny, and a tad bit offensive but I have knowledge of this because I used to do this myself (I know, I was a bastard). There was a time when I thought I was the only one who performed this shallow behavior, but come to find out I wasn't the only one after all. As many people as I have spoken to, they remind me of that part of men and women that creep in every once in a while if allowed. RELATIONSHIP FOOLISHNESS IS REAL!!! So how do you know if or when you are dealing with a person who wants to celebrate relationship foolishness every year?

I will give a list of things I can think of, off the top of my head:

1.) Starts competing with your family members when nobody is giving them a hard time
2.) Gives the silent treatment rather than talking out an issue, most often occurs when THEY are in the wrong.
3.) Does not ever want to settle issues, but wants to win.
4.) Never agrees with you on anything, then hypocritically accuses you of being that person.
5.) Tests boundaries by pushing all your buttons and then pretending you are the one with the
6.) Has a do as I say, not as I do, mindset, and will deny this when confronted.
7.) Will turn on the water works and not feel "appreciated" when you don't dance to their tune.
8.) Doesn't ever come right out and say what their thinking, and enjoy keeping you guessing.
9.) Says "never mind" a lot.

Who knew people took a break up to this extreme? Just pull the trigger and be done with it already! What is more disturbing is not the fact that they break up to not buy gifts, but that they get back together with the one they broke up with and act as if nothing ever happened...I mean, who does that??? That is foolishness at its highest level! I've done it, and I've had it done to me so I know what I speak of. If I can think of more I will post again, maybe someone else has thought of a few things too. Leave your warning signs to foolishness here, or check me out on Facebook, Twitter and Socialcam...

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