Friday, November 30, 2012

Signs He's Into You...Or Not

I tend to spend a lot of time analyzing men’s behavior, trying to decode what we think and feel (some times for you, most times for me). The truth is, most men are pretty simple to read. Here are some clues to help you.

If a man is interested in a relationship with you, he will:
• call you without being asked, prompted or nagged
• flirt with you
• enthusiastically plan and take you out on a date
• try to kiss you
• spend time with you on weekends
• want to sleep with you (but respect your boundaries when you want to wait)
• involve you in his life (tell you about his job, friends, family, etc)
• be interested in – and ask you questions about – your life
• introduce you to his friends and family
• give you his undivided attention when you’re together
• reference you when he speaks about the future (e.g. “You’ve never been to Italy? WE should plan a trip for the spring.”)

If he’s NOT really into you (seeing you as just a friend, or a hook-up) he may:
• say he’ll call, but never follow through
• hang out with you casually, but not make an effort to take you out on a proper date
• sleep with you, but not treat you like a girlfriend
• only call or text you late at night to “hook up"...sorry, I mean "hang out”
• keep you separate from the rest of his life, never talking about his job, friends or family
• show no interest in your life, keeping conversations superficial without asking you questions about yourself
• make sure his friends, co-workers and family never know about you
• get easily distracted when you’re together, even checking out, or flirting with, other women in front of you
• evade any questions about the future (YOU: “What are you up to next weekend? Wanna get together?” HIM: “Uh, hmm… I’ve got a lot going on. I’ll get back to you.” [Then he never gets back to you.])

Not every man you’re attracted to is deserving of your time, attention and energy. You especially should not give your heart to someone who has not proven that he’s interested in a meaningful relationship with you. Try to look honestly and objectively at his actions and if he’s not pursuing you the way you deserve, move on so another (more worthy) man can...


  1. This is by far the best information for women. It's a good thing to see it from a man perspective being so open about what men think do and feel. Thank you for your words. It is most appreciated

  2. Really great and useful information. I wish I had it a year and a half ago before the foolishness. Thanks Delvin.

  3. My God we need this! Thank you

  4. God Bless your ministry! You nailed it.#aj

  5. Good stuff! Daphne
