Monday, December 24, 2012

Shaking Off The Year of the Bad Relationship

We’ve all been there. That place where the relationship that seemed so wonderful in the beginning, so much love and laughter, with every indication that it would last forever… falls completely apart. Your heart is broken, the sun doesn’t shine as brightly, food doesn’t taste as good, every song on the radio seems to remind you of better times, and every happy couple you see seems to be rubbing it in your face.

Break-ups are tough, they hurt...a real "get inside you and rip you open" hurt. But it doesn’t have to be that bad. There are ways to get over a bad breakup and a broken heart that will make you bounce back faster and in better shape for the next relationship.

The real key, above all else is to remember that you will indeed find somebody else. If you truly believe that there is an abundance of great men and women out there (and there is), you’ll know that your relationship that just ended wasn’t the be all and end all. You’ll begin to look forward to all the great people you can meet.

The other key is to give yourself time to properly mourn. Your relationship ended and you have to say goodbye to it. This doesn’t mean that you should only listen to sad songs and watch sad movies to remind yourself that you’re sad. It does mean that you should accept all your feelings as they come and let them flow. Writing in a journal is often helpful with this. By allowing your feelings to flow and being excited about the new people you will meet, you’ll be able to navigate a painful break-up and get back to being your wonderful self...

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1 comment:

  1. I guess relationships always get complicated after a certain point of time in any married life as this blog also highlights that.But more or less a marriage counselor or relationship advisor always helps.

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