Thursday, December 20, 2012

What Men Notice...Besides Boobs and Butts

It’s a legitimate question to ask in light of one woman who made headlines recently after having plastic surgery last year in her efforts to look like more like Barbie. The doll??? Yes, the Mattel doll! This woman’s role model is a plastic, manufactured doll. This story got me really thinking about how some women often times have such a negative self-image because of the way beauty is portrayed in the media. There’s so much focus on looking good to attract the right man into your life, but what happens when your looks start to fade, your hair starts to gray, and your boobs start to sag?

No matter how much Botox you inject, or how you accentuate your breasts to look more perky, your looks will only take you so far in a relationship. If you don’t have anything else going on for you besides how firm those jeans make your butt look, then you are going to have some big problems in the relationship department. As visual as men are when it comes to attraction (and trust me, we ARE visual), we notice a lot more about you than the way you do your hair or your nails (or at least the real men do). If you really want a relationship ready man to notice you when you walk into a room, there are at least three qualities we look for in a woman that will really get our attention and pique our interest in you.

1. Confidence. A confident woman is a beautiful and sexy woman. Let me say this again, a confident woman is a beautiful and sexy woman! Do I need to say it one more time? The way a woman carries herself, the way she speaks and the way she interacts with others...these are the things that a relationship ready man really notices about you. It’s kind of hard for us not to notice a woman who exudes confidence.

2. Sense of Humor. Pretty faces are easy to come by, but what’s really refreshing for a man is meeting a woman with a great sense of humor. While recent studies have shown that women are typically attracted to men with broody good looks (think of Idris Elba pictured above), researchers have actually found the opposite to be true for men who are typically drawn to happy, smiling women.

3. Intelligence. There’s no bigger let down for a man than a beautiful woman with a pea-sized brain. As visually stimulating as a woman might be, the attraction falls short when there’s no mental stimulation, or any other stimulation for that matter. A woman who is just as smart as she is sexy is a huge turn on for a man because it lets us know you have more going for you than just your looks.

Confidence, intelligence and a sense of humor are three qualities that speak volumes of a woman’s personality and character. While you may be busy obsessing over how attractive you look, we’re busy “obsessing” over what’s underneath the facade (ok, more like observing) to see if you are the kind of a woman we just want to sleep with or the kind of woman we want to marry and settle down with. So the next time you decide to give yourself a makeover to better attract the man of your dreams, remember these dating rules: try working on your inner beauty for a change. By all means don't skip the beauty spa, but read a book while you're there too, or learn a new skill that will make you uniquely attractive. True beauty happens from the inside out, so do yourself and the relationship ready man of your dreams a favor, and make it your daily resolution to better yourself on the inside to enhance your overall beauty...

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