Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Law of Attraction (Guest Blogger)

I'm super excited about today because I get a chance to let someone take the stage to give you their take on relationships. You can do the same thing as well by liking my page on facebook.com/relationshiplessons, and send me your take by e-mailing me at therealcakebossblog@gmail.com. This brother from Los Angeles, has a story like mine and I love the fact that we are now connected because it gives me a reason to pull from people who have been where I am trying to go. He has a book that was released last year, and I promise you, it will change your perspective about life! More about his book and where you can get it in a minute, but ladies and gentlemen, hear from my friend Anthony Lamar Smith...  

The universal definition of the “law of attraction” teaches that we each attract into our lives whatever is in alignment with our most dominant thoughts. The Bible teaches that “as you think within yourself, so are you”. Psychologists have proven through Nuero Linguist Programming (which is the science behind how we think) that our core beliefs about ourselves stem from three factors: Associations, Experiences, and Environment.  And many cases our environment is the principal cause of our associations and experiences. For many, if you grew up in "the hood", most of your associates and experiences reflect this environment. If you grew up in a strict religious environment, most of your associations and experiences reflect this as well. We are each the sum total of our environment, associations and experiences. It is these three factors that form what are many of our core beliefs. It is these core beliefs that dictate how we think and what we experience; who are associates will be, and the makeup of our environment. So if a woman’s predominant thought about relationships is that most men are dogs and only use women for sexual entertainment, she will continue to attract this type of guy into her life, even if she “desires” the opposite. It is impossible to attract anything other than what you truly believe. If a man believes that most women are gold diggers and only use men for financial gain, many of his experiences will be exactly that. So the question becomes how do we change our thoughts and attract what we say with our mouths the quality mate that we can enjoy a loving harmonious relationship with.
In order to change your experiences we must first accept that thoughts manifest, and in order to change your thoughts we must learn to ask ourselves quality questions in order to attract a quality answers. For example, if I were to ask you “what must I do to lose weight”? You would probably say diet and exercise, right? The problem with this answer is that most people hate dieting and exercising. If we were to look at the first three letters in the word diet we will understand the reason why. DIE! For many, dieting doesn’t conjure positive emotions therefore we usually stop dieting after about a week. However, if I were to ask “what can I do that is fun and exciting that will also help me lose weight” you would probably come up with multiple answers. How about dancing, swimming, walking the mall or through a nice park; playing the Wii, bicycling or some sport. As you may have noticed, by changing the quality of the question we were able to attract different (quality) answers. It’s the same with attracting a mate. However, there is another principle involved with attracting a quality mate...your intentions!
What are your intentions for a relationship? Why do you want to be in a relationship? Is it because you hate being lonely or alone? Is it because you need someone to help you with your fiscal matters? Is it because you want to have sex and are afraid of being cast into “hell” because of fornication? What is your intent?!? If your intentions are outside of “love” then your intentions are wrong. So what do I mean by “love”? The love I speak of is more than an Eros love for your mate. The love I speak is a love for allowing God’s favor to manifest because of this relationship. Relationships (marriage in particular) is to evolve each individual into the absolute best person they each can be for the sake of manifesting the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Because God is a spirit, the personality is exemplified in both male and female. And the love that exists within Himself he desires to express through your relationship. You each have a personal mandate upon your life to materialize the gifts that God has placed within you, so that the rest of the world can be blessed by your relationship. Whatever this “gift” may be is beyond sexual favor that is allowed within your marriage bedroom. It goes further than the love and intimacy that the two of you share. Your relationship is the personification of the Living God. Just as in the beginning the Word was God and the Word was with God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld the Word as the only begotten Son of God…so is your relationship. Your relationship is like a newborn child. Within this child is the DNA of both parents as one. The child is literally the two of you, as well as himself, all as one person. The child represents what the two of you would be if you were born as each other in one body. Yet the child stands on his own and is able to manifest whatever gift lays within himself. So is your relationship. Therefore, if your intentions are not for manifesting the Gift of God within itself then the relationship is in vain and is solely for selfish reasons.
So I ask you once again…why do you want to be in a relationship?

Anthony Lamar Smith

“L.I.F.E. Intentional, Living In Fullness Everyday” is the hilariously entertaining and inspiring story of a man who through trials and tribulations, great successes and failures learned and applied 21 principles that helped him fulfill his dreams. While reading this book you will learn that applying these 21 “Truth Precepts” can help you do the same in any area of your life.”

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