Friday, January 18, 2013

The Man-Free Diet

Are you suffering from a broken heart? Maybe you’re distressed by dating disappointment. Well, here’s a unique solution that I found that has a lot of merit. The best solution after a break up sometimes is to proceed without a man for a while. Not a bad idea at all when you think about it. In fact, it’s a rather good idea just for a limited time. There are a series of rules that if followed, can be rewarded with any type of extra special compensation you might choose. Some may prefer shopping, but you can choose whatever alternative you want. Anything of a positive influence and healthy choice counts as a reward:

The Man-Free Diet
1)  No drinking and dialing/emailing/texting of any kind.
2)  No visiting places where your ex is known to frequent.
3)  No sad music, tear jerker movies, or romance novels.
4)  No leaning on your back-up male friends who wish they meant more to you.
5)  No picking up/hooking up with strangers to help you get over “him”.
6)  No dating just for the sake of being in a man’s company.
7)  No beating yourself up, thinking about all the things you did wrong, or wish you had done differently.

Don’t forget about the reward for sticking to this stringent Man-Free Diet. Be good to yourself during this time of healing and recovery. Rebuilding your self-confidence and an open heart requires lots of positive self-talk. So, no chiding or belittling yourself for mistakes, real or imagined. And just like the Weight Watchers diet, there are a load of freebie options to help you make it through without cheating that you can take advantage of anytime:

Man-Free Diet Freebies
1)  Plenty of Girl’s Nights Out with fun and laughter.
2)  A good dose of getting to know yourself again and decompressing.
3)  Hot baths and hot tubs.
4)  Exercise – get reacquainted with those endorphins.
5)  Pampering from massage to nails to facials.
6)  Make over from makeup to hair style to getting your colors done.
7)  Journaling, meditation, therapy if needed.
8)  Occasional chocolate indulgences.
9)  Almost anything that makes you laugh is a good thing.

This is a solid plan to make the entire healing process far more pleasant and potentially faster too. If you are under the influence of a breakup or dire dating disappointment, put this powerful and healthy remedy to work for you. Then once the diet is over (any period of time of your choosing), get back out there! Flirt, smile and mingle to meet lots of even better men... 

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