Monday, January 21, 2013

With Just The Wave of Your Hand...

Let me encourage you with a great “how did you meet him” story. At 32, Donna was down in the dumps because she had just broken up with her long-term guy. She felt her clock ticking and couldn’t believe she invested all that time with Walter to have things go sour. Donna's friends fixed her up with a couple of guys, but they didn’t work out. She spent a lot of time sitting around the house moping. She watched a lot of chick flicks with a box of Kleenex by her side. She ate potato chips and read romance novels.

One night, her parents couldn’t stand watching her languish on the couch for another moment. They dragged her out to dinner with them. The restaurant had an hour wait, so Donna and her parents went into the bar to pass the time. Unfortunately, no server was in sight which meant no drinks for them either. They were getting irritated and felt thirsty as well. Finally Donna spotted a waitress on the other side of the bar and stood up to wave wildly, trying to get her attention. Well, she did get someone’s attention, but it was not the server.

As it turns out, Reggie was standing on the other side of the bar and had been watching Donna for a while. When he saw her wave for the waitress, he mistook it as a friendly motioning to him. Feeling a little braver, Reggie walked over and started chatting with her. That was the beginning of what has turned into a 20 year, loving marriage. Don’t you love it? Sometimes love is totally serendipitous. With the simple and enthusiastic wave of her hand, Donna found love.

What can be learned from this love story?
1. Wrap up that pity party and stop moping!
2. Get off the couch!
3. You need to get out in order to be seen!
4. Appearing friendly can work wonders (even if your intention is to flag down a waitress)!
5. Love can happen at any time, in any place, when you least expect it!

As your dating coach, my advice is to get out to mingle. Make a habit of meeting new people. Push yourself to be friendly as your way of interacting with others. Smile more, especially at men. Find a deep sense of knowing that love is possible for you to help you stay motivated and optimistic on your journey to find the love you want and deserve.

I'll return next Monday for another round of Relationship Lessons, so keep reading and learning until we type again... 


  1. HA! Remind me to share something with you next time I see you! Amazing that I'd see this at this particular moment! Must be a "sign"! LOL *insider*

  2. Relationship and love life can always be complicated irrespective of however mature and understanding both couples are. But on the other hand, there is a need to explore more anyways.

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