Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Steps to Having an A-May-zing Relationship

Relationships are not as hard as people make them out to be, they can actually be (wait for it)....aMAYzing! All the awkward, difficult situations can easily be avoided and the pleasant ones can be enhanced. How? With my 3 easy steps to having an aMAYzing relationship. Read on if you want to do this.

Step 1: Be Happy With Yourself - This might be cliche’ but it’s true. You can’t love someone else unless you love yourself first. Do you have crazy insecurities? Most likely. Do you love your crazy insecurities? Probably not. So before you go out into the world and share yourself with another person, you have to get your stuff together. Find out what you like, what you don’t like and love every aspect of yourself. If there’s something that you want to change, change it and continue to love who you are. 

Step 2: Know What You Want - What do you want to do with yourself? What are your goals? What are you doing to get there? What do you want out of life? Those are the questions you should ask yourself every day to make decisions that will get you closer to what you want. If you are not happy with the direction you’re going alone, how do you expect to happy going through life with someone else. The person you’re with now might be one of the decisions you regret every morning when you wake up. If that’s the case, get rid of that fool, get it together and find someone else. There’s joy in knowing what you want and taking action to get there. And there’s even more joy when you meet that goal.

Step 3: Share Your Experiences With Someone Else - Only when you’re happy with yourself and the direction you’re driving, should you invite someone along to enjoy the ride. You know what you want, you know where you’re heading and if you find someone heading in the same direction, why not share it together. Once you’ve shared enjoyable experiences with that person it’s likely that the two of you will create new goals to achieve together. Things that interest the both of you and align with what you both want out of life. If you can get on that path with another person, you’ll experience happiness, joy, love, all the good stuff you can want out of a relationship.

There’s nothing worse than being in a relationship where you’re expecting the other person to make you feel happy. That’s a tremendous amount of pressure to put on someone and more often than not, they’ll come up short. You’ll notice that 2 of the 3 steps to having an aMAYzing relationship have to do with you getting yourself together. It starts with you! You should realize that only you can make yourself feel happy. Once you do that, then you should find a person to share that happiness with...

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