Monday, May 13, 2013

Love at First Sight (Guest Blogger)

Today's guest blogger is in love, and isn't afraid to shout it from the mountain top! In an effort to encourage stories of aMAYzing love and relationships, Sandy from Pembroke, Ontario in Canada shares her message of aMAYzing-ness!

Love at first sight is when you first meet a person and you feel as though there’s already a connection. You know in your heart that this is the one for you. It’s like you’ve finally found “your match made in heaven”. I feel like I have found such a match. In my mind he possesses everything that makes him an ideal romantic partner. From that first moment we found ourselves to be instantly compatible and mutually attractive. I know it’s too soon to claim that he is the love of my life, but it’s not too soon to hope. Only time can decide if that claim is correct

A lot of skeptics (like my brother) would say that love at first sight isn’t possible to them (and him). I don’t call it “love at first sight”, but I think of it as feeling that you are brave enough to follow and see where the flow will take you. In life we just have to take chances because you never know what the outcome can be. I understand that we all have been hurt in our past so that makes us bitter and cold, but we all need to let the past be the past and move on. It took me four years to get the courage to speak to the guy I fell in love with the first day I met him. The funny thing was that he noticed me too all those years and he was afraid to approach me. During our first conversation we couldn’t keep our eyes off each other, and since then we’ve been inseparable. I’m happy just being around him, talking and laughing, hugging and kissing. It’s funny because I used to be one of those people who would tell kissing couples to get a room, but now I see sometimes you can’t help but express that affection you have for the other person. 

So where do we go from here? Marriage?!? We’ve spoken about it and living together and I’m all for it. It seems like we’ve been together forever. I may still be naive but I think this is real love. It’s rare that you find someone (or someone finds you) and you click just like that, and I am not one to pass up a good opportunity when I see it. He knows that I come as a package deal (me and my babies) and he accepts that. We communicate a lot and as cliche as it may sound we believe without communication you’ll have nada. Well, that’s my little story. Again, I’ll have to check back with you sometime in the future to really determine the validity of my claims of love at first site. I know that you’ll be rooting for me, and so will I…

Feel free to send me your stories of aMAYzing love to encourage and promote the month of aMAYzing men, women and relationships to this month. 

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