Friday, May 10, 2013

The Profile of an A-May-zing Woman

The month of a-MAY-zing love continues! Let me take this time to celebrate the women out there who are by far a-MAY-zing in their own right. I don't know how men can even form the words "where are all the good women", but just in case you may feel there is a slight of good women out there, let me show you a few of her characteristics. 

Confidence: I’m pretty sure this is standard on everyone’s list. A good woman is a woman who is confident in most aspects of herself. I say most, because the reality is everyone has something(s) they’re insecure about. A good woman will walk with confidence and talk with confidence. She’ll let you know she’s sure of herself and she doesn’t need you, but she want’s you. It’s important however that she knows how to be confident without being condescending.  A woman who is self righteous is NOT a good woman.

Physically Attractive: Don’t be fooled. Being physically appealing IS a characteristic of a good woman. Let me explain (before I feel the wrath of angry women). For me, being physically attractive isn’t just about wearing the tightest dress, shortest skirt, showing the most cleavage, or wearing the best makeup. It’s much more than that. Being physically attractive means taking care of your body, eating properly, being physically active, making sure you look and feel as fit as you can. Aside from the obvious physical benefits of doing this (which guy DOESN’T love a flat stomach and nice toned legs?), it shows that you’re conscious of your health, you care about your body and you don’t plan to wear it out as quickly as possible by eating crap, drinking to excess too often, smoking, etc.

Ambition: Some men are fine with women who are ‘dead weight’. Women who are quite fine with just doing as they’re told and living off their partner. Well, THAT is NOT a good woman. A good woman will have ambition. She’ll want to strive for more and better for herself and for her partner. She’ll want to make sure that whatever it is she does, she keeps doing it better, and she’ll help make sure her partner does exactly the same. A good woman will never be content with just sitting down and ‘living off anyone. That will never, and should never be enough for a good woman.

Patience and Understanding: Men are stupid...there, I said it. We’re dumb. We can’t multitask, we forget important things, we can’t argue about multiple things at once and we do the exact opposite of what you told us to do 30 minutes ago. So, a good woman is the woman that will be patient and understand that despite all that, we have the best intentions.We’re trying to make you happy and we’re willing to learn (however, willing and able are two different things). A good woman will understand that her partner may not always want what she wants, like what she likes or think how she wants him to think.

A Teacher of New Things: No, I’m not talking about in the bedroom (well not JUST the bedroom). A good woman will be able to teach her man new things and help him grow. It doesn’t have to be school stuff, it could be simple stuff like how to add a little extra flavor to his favorite dish or the benefit of taking one vitamin over another. She’ll add value to his life and help make him better tomorrow than he was today. She doesn’t have to be a university scholar, she’ll just be herself and do what she does.

And since this post has been so long already, I’ll list the last few
  • She’ll be able to compromise
  • She’ll treat her partner the same way she wants to be treated
  • She’ll listen just as much as she wants to be listened to
  • She’ll respect her partner (you’d be surprised how many women don’t respect their partners)
  • She won’t force her ideas and beliefs on her partner
  • She’ll accept her partner as they are
I think this pretty much covers most of what make a woman a "good woman". Feel free to let me know what else you think are the traits of a good woman. Remember gentlemen, real and a-MAY-zing women exist and are out there waiting to be found by real and a-MAY-zing men!

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