Friday, August 30, 2013

Somebody Is Going To Love This Blogger!

Last year, I remember telling my best friend about my last break up. We talked about why we broke up, and who we both knew was The One I should go back to. I even blogged about the break up, and in return, she wrote a blog to complain about my blogging about it. After I told my best friend all of this, I cringed and waited for her response. On some level I knew my best friend would take my side, but on some level, I knew I was probably crossing a line when I wrote my breakup blog. My best friend has known me well enough and long enough to truly understand that disagreeing with me (and me disagreeing with her) is like disarming a time bomb. The red wire stops everything, the green wire causes destruction. The right words can stop me in my tracks...or wait, is it the other way around???

“Honestly,” she started. What my friend would say next was the absolute wrong wire to cut. “I’m just saying, when you write about your life,” as she tilted away from me, “You’re going to have to face the fact that women may meet you and know more about you than you want them to know. The One you're really interested in, her girls will know things about you too.” At first I shrugged her off, but then later I began to obsess over her warning. One of my biggest gifts from recently attending a bloggers conference — beyond branding advice, social media tips, and new friends — was the unequivocal evidence that bloggers like me (the ones who talk too much) have deep and loving relationships. Translation: someone, somewhere is going love this blogger. 

Some woman somewhere will be smart enough and wise enough to actually marry me. Perhaps I haven’t met her yet (but I believe that I have), but she will somehow understand my compulsive and incessant storytelling. She’ll be acquiescent to my need to tell the truth — my truths, my strange uncomfortable truths — and she will know that’s part of what makes me…well, me. Somebody amazing is going love this blogger. And that somebody will be a very lucky woman. I met and experienced so many fearless bloggers at this conference. I met people who wrote about things that actually made me blush: their changing bodies, their battle with raising children. I met women who wrote about their sex lives with their husbands and vice versa. I met folks who shared stories of addictions, transitions, poverty and shame. I thought to myself, I wonder what their spouses or significant others think about all of this?

Somebody somewhere is going to love this blogger. But she’s going to need an epic sense of humor. As I sat captivated by the beautiful and vulnerable prose all around me, I was comforted by the universal need for storytellers to tell their truths, and the way those truths land on foreign ears to provide laughter and healing for folks who thought they were alone. So today, I pray for the people who love the bloggers — the people who love poets, artists, musicians, novelists and journalists too — I pray for the folks who help the bloggers live the stories they eventually write. You are beautiful, brave and stronger than you know. Thank you for loving writers who write to love themselves, and thank you for giving us permission to type it out. Like I said, someone is going to love this blogger. And as she continues to read what I have to offer the world at large, my hope is that she already does...


  1. Love You!!!♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥
    ~Warrior Princess

  2. Thank you, and I love the Warrior Princess too!!!
