Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall In Love All Over Again...WITH YOURSELF (Guest Blogger)

You never know what is going to happen when you give yourself a chance on this blog, on the Facebook page...wherever! I get a lot of people sending me requests to look at their blog, and people advertising their work on the Relationship Lessons page on Facebook, and emails with blogging samples. Yesterday, one such person wanted to promote her blog, but little did she know that I was on the page at the same time, so I decided to give it a read for myself. I love to support writers, knowing that when the time comes, I would love for other writers to support me. I read her blog, and a few more articles she wrote, and I can say that "La Vida Dolce", (Italian for "the sweet life") is destined for great things, and needs to be shared with the world. Like I said, you never know what will happen when you give yourself a chance. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the writer behind, Danielle Gordon...

What is it about being alone that makes some of us so uncomfortable?  I know some may thrive on independence and self-reliance, but most of us enjoy the emotional security that others provide, and that’s completely understandable.  We’re wired to socialize, to be wanted, to connect with others, and when this is not achieved, we become anxious.  We begin thinking there’s “something wrong” with us, when in fact, everything could be just fine.  Unfortunately, this anxiety of being alone may drive us towards problematic situations such as  serial monogamy, entertaining unhealthy relationships of any sorts, or forgetting who we are as an individual.

With that said, I propose doing something completely radical and out of the ordinary…fall in love with yourself all over again! I’m not talking about staring at your reflection in a mirror like Narcissus from Greek mythology and say multiple times, “I love you. You’re beautiful” (no, no no…that’s just weird)! I’m suggesting spending quality time with me, myself and I, to rediscover who you are and rebuild that comfortability with yourself. 
In the medical world we call this “exposure therapy”, but it’s not nearly as daunting as it sounds. You may initially experience some anxiety brewing, but I assure you, that’s a normal part of venturing into activities alone. I would suggest to start slow with a stroll in a park or going to a museum since people are still in the vicinity and then gradually progress to going to the movies or eating a meal alone. During these times of solitude, take a few mental notes of what you’re experiencing:
  • Is there anything new you’re discovering about yourself?
  • What about this moment are you particularly enjoying?
  • What thoughts are coming to your mind?
  • What are feeling at this moment?
This exercise is not intended for you to practice becoming a hermit – life is too enjoyable to be locked away.  It’s meant for us to recharge and realize that it’s ok to enjoy the company of yourself, as well as, a group of friends.  So go out there and have fun with me, myself and I – you won’t regret it!

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