Monday, October 14, 2013

How To Know If He Loves You: The 200th Relationship Lesson

Let me first thank all of you for sticking with me through 200 lessons. WOW! I never thought this would go this far, this fast, but it's a lot of work and I'm glad to do it. Thanks for pushing me though so many topics and SO many lessons... 

I’ve had a number of female friends over the year ask, How can I tell he loves me? I’ve answered this question a lot of different ways, but when it boils down to it, the best way to tell if a man loves you is to STRESS HIM OUT...I’m serious! You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Stress him out? That’s ridiculous!” That’s because you’ve been brainwashed. 
1) A man has to care about you enough to even let you stress him out.
2) If a man really loves you, a little stress is not going to make him leave. 
An often glossed over fact of life is that relationships take work. If a man is willing to work on your relationship, it’s because he cares. If he runs at the first sign of hardship, he didn’t value you or the relationship very much. You know the type of women that get caught up in years and years of pseudo-relationship with no commitment or direction? The laid-back woman. The woman that causes a man no stress whatsoever is the type he keeps around but never commits to. Sure, they may never fight because what do they have to fight about? The relationship has no substance. She is perfectly content holding on to the hope of commitment instead of facing the reality that it may never come, but she for damn sure won’t “stress him out” by asking a simple, yet pertinent question, “where is this relationship going?” 

Unfortunately, it's the women who follow the man's plan (even if it is completely contradictory to their own), and end up frustrated and confused when he suddenly leaves because he was never emotionally vested in the relationship. Just as women prefer alpha males, men like women with a backbone. If you let a man get away with all kinds of non-sense he shouldn’t get away with, consciously or subconsciously, he will lose respect for you. And no, I’m not saying or excusing that he will treat you bad. He just has no incentive to treat you great, let alone put a ring on it. If his minimum has proven sufficient, why put in the excess effort of giving you his best? 

Too often women are willing to change their entire make up as a person, simply to be with a man they like because she’s afraid if she’s herself, that same man won’t like the “real her.” She’ll change employment, residence, personality, religion and the list goes on and on to make her fit the mold she thinks this man wants before she’ll do something as crazy as be herself. In reality, a man doesn’t want to fall for the woman you’re pretending to be (you won’t be able to keep that farce up anyway), he wants to fall in love with the woman you are. In other words, be yourself so we can fall in love with YOU, not your representative.

Assuming that you have reasonable expectations, standards and goals...then voice them to us. Give us men an opportunity to figure out if we can and will love the real you. Let us accurately assess if we can be the man you want and need. Don’t get me wrong, you should remain open to negotiation but you shouldn’t bite your tongue either. That comes off as weak. It also comes off as fake. Otherwise, we’ll both be unhappy when you “change.” But technically you never changed, all you really did was become yourself after the guarantee of commitment…well damn, it’s nice to finally meet YOU! If you religiously watch reality shows, talk during movies, curse like a sailor and smoke cigarillos, then DON'T change things simply because you’re hanging around us. Changing on your own accord is one thing, but changing into someone you are not to obtain someone’s affections is misleading. If you have a tough question, ask it. If something’s bothering you, voice it. If in being yourself, you stress him out and he’s his loss, not yours! He couldn’t accept the real you, which only means he doesn’t deserve any of you. Point blank, period!

When a man doesn’t care about a future with a woman, he retreats at the first sign of stress. You ask where this relationship is going? He disappears. You ask if he wants more than sex from you? He stops calling. You want to know why his ex-girlfriend keeps calling at 3am? He tells you you’re tripping to the point where you actually believe you are tripping. YOU ARE NOT TRIPPING! These are perfectly reasonable questions that any logical person with half a brain should ask and should receive an honest response. Reverse psychology in relationships is older than the words in the Bible! Don’t fall for it. Know your worth and, DEMAND that he honor it. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!

I’m not saying you should run into the next room and slap your man upside the head. I am saying you shouldn’t have to act like someone completely different than who you are naturally in order to get a man to fall in love with you. Doesn’t that mean he isn’t really in love with you? It’s possible he may leave you, but what have you really lost? A man that never respected you enough to commit or respect you as a person? That doesn’t seem like much of a loss to me. It seems more like a gain. When a man loves a woman, he doesn’t pull up the tent he pitched just as soon as the relationship is tested. He looks at it as an opportunity to strengthen the relationship. This is the man you should have in your life instead of settling for someone willing to remain simply because you never stress him out. After all, that might be the only reason he’s keeping you around...

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