Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"To Good To Be True" versus "Too Good For You"

Fellas, let’s take a stroll down memory lane. You meet a woman you have genuine interest in. You spend much time conversing with her over the phone; the two of you go out on dates; you treat her with the respect she deserves, and you both enjoy the time spent together. Everything seems to be going just fine, then out of nowhere, she questions the legitimacy of it all. She says things like “this is too good to be true” or “there’s no way you can be THIS nice of a guy” or lastly, “do you have kids that I don’t know about or an attitude problem you haven’t displayed yet?” You’re left thinking, “what in the hell is this woman talking about?” You’ve given her no reason to feel this way, and yet she’s questioning your authenticity and the validity of all the things you’ve ever told her and the experiences you two have shared. I refer to this as Selective Perception and sadly, many women suffer from this, which causes men to suffer right along with them.
Selective Perception – A bias interpretation of information in a way that aligns with existing ideology.
Let me break it down further. The woman who is accusing you of being like the men she has previously encountered, decided to view you as "too good to be true" because her experiences in life tell her that you are. Her experiences are the stimuli used to form her present-day reality, as well as the paradigm in which she thinks.
This is a quick way to turn off a good guy. The thing about good guys is, they know they’re good guys. They know that there is a shortage of good guys out here, so they usually are less likely to deal with the unnecessary. You have this guy that treats you right, takes you out on fantastic dates, has great conversation, enhances your life experience, and in return...he gets his integrity questioned with accusations of being fake and phony. He doesn’t have to deal with that, so he leaves and you’re back at square one looking for another good guy. It’s perfectly understandable how you can get to this position. Our perception is generated by our awareness and understanding of the sensory information we experience everyday. If we reacted to every degree of stimuli throughout our day, we would be extremely overwhelmed. This activates our selective perception, which serves as a filter for information that we find to be of no use due to our current ideology. Although it’s understandable how you’ve come to this conclusion, it’s important to understand it enough to make alterations. Selective perception deprives women of seeing the truth in men because of the labels they've already given them. The perception is so limiting, that you can miss out on forming relationships that may prove to be highly beneficial. Increasing your awareness to this process will allow you to be able to manage relationships better.

Ladies: You deserve a good man. Many of your doubts stem from the uncertainty of if you really deserve everything a good man has to offer. You do deserve everything and more. A good man takes pride in being good to you, so embrace him. Don’t let your past cause you to scare off your future.

Gentlemen: She’s scared and scarred, and the baggage may seem too heavy for the wonderful ride you’re ready to take her on. Stimulate her while you carry those bags. Allow the trip you take her on to alter her perception, and watch how happy she makes you once you reach your destination.

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