Monday, October 28, 2013

Why She Doesn't Call You Her Boyfriend

Last week, you were presented with an explanation as to why he doesn’t call you his girlfriend. While it explores the reasons behind a man’s intentions, I think it’s important to explore the reasons behind the woman’s mentality as well. While most women would love to have a boyfriend or at least an “exclusive” partner, there are certain behaviors that are just unacceptable for people trying to fill this role. I know it’s hard to digest, but women are just as capable as men of having casual, sexual relations. I know, its mind-blowing! Just because she seems interested in you sexually, does not mean she’s eager to call you her boyfriend. Certain behaviors are acceptable for a casual hook up, are just not acceptable for the role of a boyfriend. Let’s take a look at the reasons she doesn’t call you her boyfriend:

You Hook-up With Everybody!

If you are a well-known player, why the hell would she even try to enter a committed relationship with you? You claim you want a girlfriend, but chances are you are hooking up with whatever girl will go home with you that night, exposing you to something you might want. How enticing. 

Your Idea Of A Date Is Drinks.

This is not a date, this is an excuse to get someone drunk enough to convince them to go home with you. Ladies if you think this is a date, you need a reality check. While this may be sufficient enough for the first few dates, if these are the only outings you are going on together, he is not boyfriend material.

You Never Chill Sober.

The best part of having a counterpart is spending those mundane afternoons together. If you are incapable of hanging out while sober, how do you expect to have any depth to your relationship? Chances are you probably won’t even remember half of your encounters if you are inebriated.

She’s Using You.

Girls can play the field just as well, if not better, than men. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free isn’t just a one-way street. Open your eyes and your minds, girls can have unemotional sex too. If you are only hanging out with this girl past the hours of 1 a.m. and she only vaguely remembers having sex with you, chances are you are just not boyfriend material. You are a play thing and nothing serious; you serve your purpose and move on.

She Doesn’t Want To Move Too Fast.

Some girls are old-fashioned and don’t want to be the one to initiate a relationship. Secretly this girl could be head over heels in love with you, but she doesn’t want to call you her boyfriend because she doesn’t want to freak you out. Hopefully if she sticks it out long enough and you two behave in the way a couple does, you will eventually make the move.

You’re Soft.

Nice guys are way too available; girls love the chase and the challenge. They need someone with a backbone, not someone they can discuss their female problems with. No one ever cherishes something or someone that has come effortless to him or her. They strive after worthwhile things and everyone knows something worthwhile never comes easily.

It’s Sexual.

First of all, there’s a difference between dating a guy and having sex with a guy. Sex doesn’t always involve intimacy and this is something people of both sexes fail to realize. There are just some people you have sexual relationships with and there are some people you have intimate relationships with. If you are simply enjoying each other’s company while you hook up, this is a friends with benefits situation, and nothing more.

Her Friends Don’t Like You.

A girl will always verify a guy to some extent before getting into a committed relationship with said person. If you’re not passing the friend test, there’s basically a 90% chance this girl will not date you. Sure, she may hook up with you from time to time, all out of good fun of course, but she will never enter a relationship with a person her friends detest.

Her Parents Don’t Like You

Back in the day it was cool and rebellious to date someone against your parents’ wishes, but in your 30's and 40's that just doesn’t fly. You want to share experiences with your family and your partner, making situations much more pleasant. It’s no fun to bring home a guy to Thanksgiving dinner that no one wants there.

She’s Hung Up On Her Ex.

The past always wins when a girl is clinging to her ex. There is already a ton of emotional investment there. Sure, she may be with you, but if she is still hung up on her ex, the only thing you are getting from this girl is conversation. She is not going to commit to another person no matter how hard you try. The sooner this is recognized, the better it is for both parties.

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