Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Five Reasons To Appreciate Thanksgiving - Single Or Not

Tis the season for giving thanks, and we all have plenty to be thankful for! Are you in a steady, wonderful and loving relationship? Give thanks! Are you single this holiday season, looking for that special someone to turn you into a puddle of schoolgirl giggles? You have a lot to be thankful for too. Personally, I have spent Thanksgivings and Christmases as a single person, as a relationship person, and as a married person. I have enjoyed holidays in all of these states of relationships and non-relationships. It's really an attitude and a choice. What makes people unhappy about being single on a holiday such as Thanksgiving is wishing they were somewhere else, with someone else, either physically or relationship wise. So my humble advice would be this: get over it! You are where you are, so make the best of it and stop grumbling about what's not right in your life. Embrace where you are right now! Here are five reasons why you should appreciate Relationship Thanksgiving.
1. A day off. I am a big fan of national holidays, every national holiday. Its a day off of work, so it's a day that can be spent doing something different than the regular 9 to 5 routine. Sleep in late if you want to, watch football on TV if you want to, hang out with your brother, sister or your best friend if you want to. Read a really good book, take a walk in the park, or do something for yourself and give a quiet moment of thanks for a little time off. 

2. Simplicity. We all know how holidays are supposed to be, right? We have images in our heads of the Norman Rockwell paintings of families gather around impossibly perfect holiday meals. Well, if you're in a relationship and you're sharing a roast turkey with your family or your significant other's family, it can really be great. Enjoy and appreciate it, but it's seldom a perfect Norman Rockwell experience. So if you're not part of the big family celebration with the love of your life this year, give thanks for the simplicity that your singleness provides.

3. Holiday movies. It doesn't matter if you are all alone, or in a house full of people. There's something about the way the classic holiday movies can transport you back to that feel good place of the best holidays of your life. Whether its Miracle on 34th Street, or It's a Wonderful Life, or even National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, there's a positive message of hope in every holiday movie. Don't get so jaded that you can't enjoy the good feelings that a classic movie can give to you.

4. Men and women. If you are a woman, you probably get caught up in man bashing that is SO popular around the holidays. Believe me, men also get caught up in woman bashing. Take the day off from thinking about what's wrong with the opposite sex. Spend some time remembering what you like. Sure your last boyfriend might have been a pain in the butt sometimes, but he also had good attributes, so focus on them. Be thankful that men are different from women, and women are different from men. Yes the opposite sex can be exasperating at times, but it's also what makes the sparks fly in a good way when a man and a woman connect. 

5. New opportunities. No matter where you are, or how happy you are in your current circumstances, you have the ability to change yourself and your relationship status. Be thankful for your ability to envision a better you and a better situation for yourself. Yes, definitely enjoy where you are today and also take some time to envision what you want most. Imagine what that looks like and feels like. This envisioning will make you feel better and you'll be even more thankful. 
Its your choice. Do you want to be thankful or miserable this Thanksgiving and holiday season? Thankfulness is much more enjoyable, trust me. I know this from my own personal experience...

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