Friday, December 27, 2013

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Out With The Old, In With The New

As we come down to the end of the year, I'm sure you are doing your year end inventory. I love this time of year because you start thinking about your life, your friends, and what your year was really like. You start to put on a happy face again because the year is coming to an end, and you realize that pretty soon you can start all over again come January 1st. This is the mentality of many people. January 1st brings a clean slate, and we get to start all over again. We have all of these ridiculous New Year's resolutions, and then we get to break them throughout the course of the year, just to get to the end of December again. But here is a truth that most people are not saying: you also bring into the "new year" all of your "old habits". You bring all of your past experiences with you into the next year. Sometimes, no matter what you do and no matter how hard you try, you cannot escape you...and you shouldn't be able to.

So what should you be doing while you're cleaning house for the holiday, and doing that year end inventory? You need to ask yourself, do I really possess all of the skills that I desire to go out there and meet the people you want to meet next year? Do I even know how to put myself out there to attract and flirt with people? Am I waiting for someone to approach me over and over again, and hope that I find the right location to meet next year so they can approach me? If you are, then I call you "the passive waiter". No matter where you are, you're always hoping and waiting for something to happen. You're always hoping that if you go out, someone will come over and want to meet you. If this is your approach, January 1st isn't going to change anything for you. The end of the year is coming, and it's time that you were more honest with yourself. What do you need to learn in order to attract people? What type of mindset change do you need to have? Are you still the kind of person who is waiting, hoping and praying that you meet the right one?

Take a look at the number of dates you've been on this year, and ask yourself: am I happy with that number? I want you to get even deeper with yourself and ask this question: how do I increase the chances of going out on a date and connecting with someone in 2014? I can tell you one thing from my experience in relationship coaching: its going to take some work, it's going to take some effort, and it's going to take more than getting dressed and standing around somewhere. It's going to take more than just depositing yourself into the right social scene. It's about learning how to flirt the right way and letting them know you're interested. It's about learning how to be happy and comfortable with flirting and forgetting about that thing called "rejection". It's about your life! Things will not just magically change come January 1st, so let's take the time left in this year to realize that we have some things to learn, and that we've got some work you have to put in. So, lets go to work! 

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