Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2014 Relationship Lessons Checklist

Since my new year's resolution of "I Matter", it has dawned on me that we are close to completing another month in 2014. I'm checking on you to see how you're doing. If it helps, I made a relationship lessons checklist. Some of these are easy, some are not, but the challenge is in making sure that you stretch yourself along the way.

  1. I will not rush things…
  2. I will make exceptions, but no compromises…
  3. I will not make it about me…
  4. I will make a list of what I want to change about me….
  5. I will make a list of what I want in a mate….
  6. I will celebrate small victories in my relationships…
  7. I will ask questions and assume NOTHING….
  8. I will ask God what He thinks before asking anyone else…
  9. I will not judge my relationship by looking through the window of my friend(s) relationship….
  10. I will leave a broken relationship…
  11. I will not consider what goes on in the bedroom quality time….
  12. I will not take credit for the relationship going well and I will not take the blame for the relationship going bad….
  13. I will not pressure anyone….
  14. I will not confuse lust with love….
  15. I will not move in…
  16. I will not play house…
  17. I will not cheat: romantically or emotionally with another person….
  18. I will not use ALWAYS or NEVER when I’m angry….
  19. I will not make it all about sex….
  20. I will not use sex as a tool, punishment, game, or reward,…
  21. I will not take calls, texts, messages, or tweets from __________….
  22. I will not have a baby with someone who is not my wife/husband... 
Which ones are you keeping up with? Which ones are you struggling with? We can learn from each other in the year of "I Matter".

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