Friday, April 4, 2014

300 Words on Being Picky or Patient

Nitpick - (adj.) Overly critical, especially on trivial matters; focused on only trivial aspects
Patient - (adj.) Quietly and steadily persevering or diligent, especially in detail or exactness

Throughout the period of time that we date, we turn down many people in the process. Some people in our eyes are completely out of the question, while others might really be on the fence. Regardless, many face the result of rejection. For the time being, we remain single. Now if you’re like me, then some days you self-reflect. That’s what today’s blog is about. You see, there are times where I simply wonder if I’m being too picky.

I consider myself a patient guy. My thought process is that I’ll know who I want once I get that click with someone. If I don’t get it, then I won’t pursue things on such a serious level. As I examine this dichotomy of patience and nitpicking, I come to one conclusion: it’s hard to gauge what is deemed trivial qualities to someone, and what isn’t to others. It feels like when you haven’t found “The One” that you’re damned if you do or damned if you don’t, and if you’re patient…maybe you’re being too picky. 

If you’re not as patient, then maybe you end up settling. I’m sure settling is a concern that we all have.  I’m sure being patient has yielded positive results for many. Maybe the person you’re meant to be with will somehow find you. There’s a whole bevy of scenarios really.

Of course this post has sparked many questions that I have for you. Can we define what is trivial for someone else? What would you define as settling? Are there time limits to being patient? Can we draw a line between being picky and waiting for the right one?


  1. Trivial is knowing that everything will not perfect but yet you still try to make it that way by nitpicking at even the smallest thing becuz it doesnt fit into your perfect picture of a mate or relationship. Settling is knowing your heart isnt fully invested but for time being, you will deal with this person becuz you want some company, some arms to hold you, or someone to love you even if you dont reciprocate that love. Spiritually there is no time limit to being patient if you say you're waiting for God. He may send your boaz today, next week 2 yrs or 10yrs from now. Naturally, fleshly we get impatient waiting on God. If your spirit just doesnt connect with that person, thats not being picky. That's just knowing This person isnt it but God has someone better, so in faith, you will continue to wait.

  2. Arkia, I give you all of this virtual standing ovation that you so richly deserve for your comment. Thank you for reading!
