Friday, April 11, 2014

Five Ways On How To Leave Insecure and Angry Partners

If you've ever been in a situation where you wanted to break it off with someone who is angry and insecure, then you know how hard it can be. You might be in that situation right now. Many people often wonder how they found themselves in a relationship with someone like that in the first place: They impressed your friends and family, made you feel like you were on top of the world, treated you like a prince or princess...and it all changed one day. They became a stranger, and you saw their insecurities, anger, frustration and lack of patience, and soon you realized they had a darker side than you could've ever imagined. They may have even battled with addictions. What do you do then? How do you break up without worrying if they're going to get revenge on you?

This is one of the most difficult situations that a couple can face. Breaking up with someone that has lost all common sense can be tough or even terrifying. There is an old saying my Pop would come up with, “if you find your hand stuck in a lion’s mouth, don’t yank it out – you ease it out.” Whoever shared that knowledge with him either witnessed the bloody aftermath or saw the success of someone pulling his hand back to safety that there was no question which option you should choose. Weaning them off of you is the only way to handle situations like this. If you notice that your partner starts displaying abusive tendencies, then it is time to do something but acting fast is not the way to go. So, here are some tips to wean off a potentially dangerous partner:
  1. Don’t allow yourself to get into an argument with them: They will blow up, and then calm down and apologize – pretending that everything is normal (even though you know there is trouble ahead). 
  2. Don’t answer every call: Weaning someone off can be difficult especially if they continue to disrupt you by calling repeatedly. 
  3. Make other people that you both know aware of their erratic behavior:  People will be less likely to act out on their anger if they know that other people are watching them closely. 
  4. Be consistent with your words: This is probably the most important rule! Don’t tell your partner that you don’t want to deal with them, then let them back in your life because you are lonely. This is the biggest mistake that most couples make dealing with an abuse partner.  They won’t believe that you are serious about not wanting to be with them anymore if you keep playing games. 
  5. Don’t put a restraining order on them right away:  This may have the same effect of yanking the hand out of the lion’s mouth, causing him to snap even faster.  A restraining order is best if all else has failed.
If you are trying to break up with a man or woman who is not mentally stable, you must take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe. You don’t know what they will do next, so it is important to anticipate their next move. Protecting yourself is first and foremost, be consistent in your words and your actions, and if that fails, contact authorities and their family. They may be able to talk them down from their anger, and will be less likely to react if they know that family is involved. Everyone has to deal with a difficult breakup at least once in life. However, how you handle your breakup with someone who shows signs of mental instability is what will keep you from starring on the next episode of “Snapped.” 


  1. It's awful that "Snapped" even exists. Mental illness/insecurities are real!!!

  2. Snapped will definitely send you off in the wrong direction, for sure!
