Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Check Your Surroundings (just a random thought)

You know, the good thing about when my brain gets to working is that it's constantly on the move, and the bad thing about when it gets to working is I can’t write things down fast enough. This morning I woke up and asked myself, am I surrounding myself around uplifting people?  Am I surrounded by people who have my best interest at heart, who want the best for my future, who rejoice in my happiness and stop to pray for my family and me?  Or do I keep the company of downers: people who wait for me to trip so they can judge my fall. People who talk down about my future when I’m not around and say, “he will never…”, and people who have pity for me instead of uplifting me”.  I really had to evaluate my life because by me being such an outgoing and friendly person, I allow many different people to enter in and fail to do a check scan on them to see what they really are all about.

Sad to say but this world we live in is so secretly cut throat. We tend to push away or neglect the ones that are uplifting, because the ones that are not have won an Academy Award for being the star in the movie “Friend”. I told myself I wouldn’t get to the point of allowing what another human does affect me and my feelings, but that’s not as easy as I thought. Say for instance, if one of my friends were to come to me and say they want to invest in a bag of worms and that’s their dream; although I must say I would have to repeat back to them what they said to be sure this is what they want, I would support them in every way possible. Speak life into their dreams, uplift their spirits when others are telling them how silly the idea is, and knowing how much I personally don't care for worms, I would even go with them to pick them out. I'm saying all of this to say, try not to be a dream killer. In turn, help them to be a dream chaser. You'll never know the outcome. Speaking life into another person is so important; I mean I can’t say it enough! Even if that person tries and fails, they still had the beauty of trying; they had something else to add to their journey in life. We have to explore the living and learning of life, and how beautiful to have someone uplifting you along the way.

So after boggling my mind today and questioning myself about these people I allowed to enter my life, I began to question me. “Show me myself …” is what I said when I looked in the mirror. Not just the face that I see on a daily basis, but show me my character. What is it that I have to offer to the world? Sometimes we need to see the reflection of what we display to others. How can you correct what you don’t recognize; and maybe people are showing traits of what they feel are shown to them. I know me personally; I would rather be in the company of one positive person versus being in the company of one hundred negative ones, who wants to be surrounded by that all day everyday? Thanks for letting me get this off my mind today. Like I said, when my brain gets to working, it's hard to keep up with it...