Friday, June 27, 2014

Life Goes On (Guest Blogger)

A couple of days ago, I was going through my regular morning routine of reading my Facebook newspaper, when I came across one of my friends posts. Do you ever have a moment when you stop browsing and you find yourself engulfed in what someone has posted? Well, that's what happened to me when I read it (three times) and I begged for permission to put it on the blog, You all know I don't beg for much but this lesson was worthy of it, so I yield the worldwide stage and give you today's guest blogger Alyse Thomas.

When you love hard, it's VERY easy to become bitter when things don't work...especially when you KNOW you've been good to folk. The ignominy associated with failed relationships is very real. Not only do you feel like death, but you have to tear down the thousand pictures and post you put up when y'all were "in love" AND you have to deal with all the "oh, where's _____?", or "did you hear _____ was doing/out with _____?" I mean, it can really get bothersome. And too, if it ain't a clean break, you grow to hate the very man/woman you once envisioned spending your life with. It's rough...and because it's SO darn rough, it discourages you from trying again. However, in prayer my pastor encouraged me to love again. I was half dead, but I was woke enough to hear him say..."this one won't do you like the last one". He briefly touched on fear and how we should just go on and live. It blessed me SO much I wanted to share it with y'all. 

I know this post might be a little lengthy, but I just wanted to encourage you guys to believe again. All men and women aren't the same, and everybody isn't going to break your heart. If nothing else, heart break has taught me how to be wise in my dealings and to take things very slow. It taught me to enjoy the beauty of friendship. I know in the beginning of heartbreak, it feels like someone died but a year and a half later, I'm here to tell you that life DOES go on, and it can be absolutely beautiful! I won't say some days aren't hard and you won't miss them, because that's a WILL hit some hard days and you WILL miss them. In those moments, learn to smile about what was right and learn from what wasn't. Love is a beautiful experience with the right person (or so I hear) and I'd hate for us to miss it because we're mad. Life is way too short to harp over who doesn't love you, especially when you can be outside bumping into the person who WANTS to love you.

Once more, I apologize for the length but it was on my heart. I once read that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11) and maybe speaking what I've learned in my experience can help you make it through yours. I love you guys and God loves you too. The more you get lost in Him, the more all else will disappear. So, stop fooling yourself into believing you'll be single forever YOU WON'T, but you will be single until you give God your whole heart. If you give it to Him He'll patch you up real good, believe me!

Ok, I'm done!

Well said Alyse, well said...